Inheriting from Argument in order to represent an argument that contains a process or a derivable value (formerly known
as callback). The ProcessGraphArgument operates on the reduced data of a data cube. For example reducing or aggregating over
the temporal dimension results in a time series that has to be reduced into a single value or aggregated into another time
series. The value of a ProcessGraphArgument is usually a function that will be coerced into Process()
. The function
is required to use the same amount of parameters as ProcessGraphParameter
objects are defined, because during the coercion
those ProcessGraphParameter
are passed to function. Additional information can be found in the openEO API documentation:
Object of R6::R6Class()
representing a ProcessGraph.
returns the available list ProcessGraphParameter
assigns a list of ProcessGraphParameter to the ProcessGraph
the ProcessGraphParameter list
Array, Integer, EPSGCode, String, Number, Date, DataCube, ProcessGraphArgument, ProcessGraphParameter, OutputFormatOptions, GeoJson, Boolean, DateTime, Time, BoundingBox, Kernel, TemporalInterval, TemporalIntervals, CollectionId, OutputFormat, AnyOf, ProjDefinition, UdfCodeArgument, UdfRuntimeArgument and UdfRuntimeVersionArgument, MetadataFilter