Inheriting from Argument in order to represent a bounding box / extent of an area of
interest. Its value is usually a named list with "west","south","east" and "north". For this argument
the 'bbox' object of the sf package is also recognized (sf::st_bbox()
). This holds also true for
classes that support sf::st_bbox()
and return a valid 'bbox' object.
Object of R6::R6Class()
representing a bounding box / extent.
Array, Integer, EPSGCode, String, Number, Date, DataCube, ProcessGraphArgument, ProcessGraphParameter, OutputFormatOptions, GeoJson, Boolean, DateTime, Time, BoundingBox, Kernel, TemporalInterval, TemporalIntervals, CollectionId, OutputFormat, AnyOf, ProjDefinition, UdfCodeArgument, UdfRuntimeArgument and UdfRuntimeVersionArgument, MetadataFilter
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# most of the time BoundingBox is a choice as parameter value for
# spatial_extent in 'load_collection'
p = processes()
# using a list
bbox = list(west=10.711799440170706,
east= 11.542794097651838,
north= 46.176044942018734)
data = p$load_collection(id = "SENTINEL2_L2A",
spatial_extent = bbox,
temporal_extent = list("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2020-01-20T00:00:00Z"),
bands = list("B04","B08"))
# using sf bbox
bbox = st_bbox(c(xmin=10.711799440170706,
xmax= 11.542794097651838,
ymax= 46.176044942018734),
crs = 4326)
data = p$load_collection(id = "SENTINEL2_L2A",
spatial_extent = bbox,
temporal_extent = list("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2020-01-20T00:00:00Z"),
bands = list("B04","B08"))
# objects supporting sf::st_bbox()
img = stars::read_stars(system.file("tif/L7_ETMs.tif",package = "stars"))
data = p$load_collection(id = "SENTINEL2_L2A",
spatial_extent = img,
temporal_extent = list("2020-01-01T00:00:00Z", "2020-01-20T00:00:00Z"),
bands = list("B04","B08"))
} # }