Inheriting from ProcessGraphArgument in order to represent a list of functions that is internally
interpreted into Process()
Object of R6::R6Class()
representing a list of Process()
in order to filter for collections.
Array, Integer, EPSGCode, String, Number, Date, DataCube, ProcessGraphArgument, ProcessGraphParameter, OutputFormatOptions, GeoJson, Boolean, DateTime, Time, BoundingBox, Kernel, TemporalInterval, TemporalIntervals, CollectionId, OutputFormat, AnyOf, ProjDefinition, UdfCodeArgument, UdfRuntimeArgument and UdfRuntimeVersionArgument, MetadataFilter
if (FALSE) { # \dontrun{
# define filter statement
filter = list(
"eo:cloud_cover" = function(x) x >= 0 & x < 50,
"platform" = function(x) x == "Sentinel-2A"
# setting the arguments is done via the process graph building with of 'processes()'
} # }