This object reflects a process offered by an openEO service in order to load and manipulate data collections. It will be created
with the information of a received JSON object for a single process, after the arguments of the process have been translated
into Argument()
Object of R6::R6Class()
with methods for storing meta data of back-end processes and user assigned data
a named list of Argument objects
logical - depending if the process is offered by the openEO service or if it was user defined
returns the id of a process which was defined on the back-end
returns a named list of arguments
returns the schema for the return type as list
returns the function formals for this process - usually a named vector of the specified default values, but NA where no default value was specified
sets the id of a process
sets the summary text
sets the description text
returns the Argument object with the provided name
returns the ProcessGraph to which this Process belongs
sets the ProcessGraph to which this Process belongs
validates the processes argument values
serializes the process - mainly used as primary serialization for a ProcessNode()
select all non functions of the private area, to be used when copying process information into a process node
process id from the back-end
a list of Argument objects
the process description
the summary of a process
the returns part of the process definition or an already evaluated parameter
a parameter name
the value for a parameter or the description text