Inheriting from Argument in order to represent a GeoJson object. This class represents geospatial features. Allowed values are either a list directly convertible into a valid GeoJson or polygon features of type 'sf' or 'sfc' from package 'sf'. The current implementation follows the data representation of 'sf' - meaning that coordinate order is XY (e.g. if CRS84 is used then lon/lat is the default order).
Object of R6::R6Class()
representing an object in GeoJson.
As GeoJSON is defined in RFC7946 the coordinate reference system is
, which uses a longitude, latitude ordering of the coordinates.
Array, Integer, EPSGCode, String, Number, Date, DataCube, ProcessGraphArgument, ProcessGraphParameter, OutputFormatOptions, GeoJson, Boolean, DateTime, Time, BoundingBox, Kernel, TemporalInterval, TemporalIntervals, CollectionId, OutputFormat, AnyOf, ProjDefinition, UdfCodeArgument, UdfRuntimeArgument and UdfRuntimeVersionArgument, MetadataFilter