Various utilities and helpers.
# TODO #465 split this kitchen-sink in thematic submodules
from __future__ import annotations
import datetime as dt
import functools
import json
import logging
import re
import sys
import time
from collections import OrderedDict
from enum import Enum
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Any, Callable, List, Optional, Tuple, Union
from urllib.parse import urljoin
import requests
import shapely.geometry.base
from deprecated import deprecated
# pyproj is an optional dependency
import pyproj
except ImportError:
pyproj = None
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
class Rfc3339:
Formatter for dates according to RFC-3339.
Parses date(time)-like input and formats according to RFC-3339. Some examples:
>>> rfc3339.date("2020:03:17")
>>> rfc3339.date(2020, 3, 17)
>>> rfc3339.datetime("2020/03/17/12/34/56")
>>> rfc3339.datetime([2020, 3, 17, 12, 34, 56])
>>> rfc3339.datetime(2020, 3, 17)
>>> rfc3339.datetime(datetime(2020, 3, 17, 12, 34, 56))
Or just normalize (automatically preserve date/datetime resolution):
>>> rfc3339.normalize("2020/03/17")
>>> rfc3339.normalize("2020-03-17-12-34-56")
Also see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339#section-5.6
# TODO: currently we hard code timezone 'Z' for simplicity. Add real time zone support?
_FMT_DATE = '%Y-%m-%d'
_FMT_TIME = '%H:%M:%SZ'
_regex_datetime = re.compile(r"""
^(?P<Y>\d{4})[:/_-](?P<m>\d{2})[:/_-](?P<d>\d{2})[T :/_-]?
(?:(?P<H>\d{2})[:/_-](?P<M>\d{2})(?:[:/_-](?P<S>\d{2}))?)?""", re.VERBOSE)
def __init__(self, propagate_none: bool = False):
self._propagate_none = propagate_none
def datetime(self, x: Any, *args) -> Union[str, None]:
Format given date(time)-like object as RFC-3339 datetime string.
if args:
return self.datetime((x,) + args)
elif isinstance(x, dt.datetime):
return self._format_datetime(x)
elif isinstance(x, dt.date):
return self._format_datetime(dt.datetime.combine(x, dt.time()))
elif isinstance(x, str):
return self._format_datetime(dt.datetime(*self._parse_datetime(x)))
elif isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
return self._format_datetime(dt.datetime(*(int(v) for v in x)))
elif x is None and self._propagate_none:
return None
raise ValueError(x)
def date(self, x: Any, *args) -> Union[str, None]:
Format given date-like object as RFC-3339 date string.
if args:
return self.date((x,) + args)
elif isinstance(x, (dt.date, dt.datetime)):
return self._format_date(x)
elif isinstance(x, str):
return self._format_date(dt.datetime(*self._parse_datetime(x)))
elif isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
return self._format_date(dt.datetime(*(int(v) for v in x)))
elif x is None and self._propagate_none:
return None
raise ValueError(x)
def normalize(self, x: Any, *args) -> Union[str, None]:
Format given date(time)-like object as RFC-3339 date or date-time string depending on given resolution
>>> rfc3339.normalize("2020/03/17")
>>> rfc3339.normalize("2020/03/17/12/34/56")
if args:
return self.normalize((x,) + args)
elif isinstance(x, dt.datetime):
return self.datetime(x)
elif isinstance(x, dt.date):
return self.date(x)
elif isinstance(x, str):
x = self._parse_datetime(x)
return self.date(x) if len(x) <= 3 else self.datetime(x)
elif isinstance(x, (tuple, list)):
return self.date(x) if len(x) <= 3 else self.datetime(x)
elif x is None and self._propagate_none:
return None
raise ValueError(x)
def parse_date(self, x: Union[str, None]) -> Union[dt.date, None]:
"""Parse given string as RFC3339 date."""
if isinstance(x, str):
return dt.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d").date()
elif x is None and self._propagate_none:
return None
raise ValueError(x)
def parse_datetime(
self, x: Union[str, None], with_timezone: bool = False
) -> Union[dt.datetime, None]:
"""Parse given string as RFC3339 date-time."""
if isinstance(x, str):
# TODO: Also support parsing other timezones than UTC (Z)
if re.search(r":\d+\.\d+", x):
res = dt.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%fZ")
res = dt.datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ")
if with_timezone:
res = res.replace(tzinfo=dt.timezone.utc)
return res
elif x is None and self._propagate_none:
return None
raise ValueError(x)
def parse_date_or_datetime(
self, x: Union[str, None], with_timezone: bool = False
) -> Union[dt.date, dt.datetime, None]:
"""Parse given string as RFC3339 date or date-time."""
if isinstance(x, str):
if len(x) > 10:
return self.parse_datetime(x, with_timezone=with_timezone)
return self.parse_date(x)
elif x is None and self._propagate_none:
return None
raise ValueError(x)
def _format_datetime(cls, d: dt.datetime) -> str:
"""Format given datetime as RFC-3339 date-time string."""
if not (d.tzinfo is None or d.tzinfo.tzname(d) == "UTC"):
# TODO: add support for non-UTC timezones?
raise ValueError(f"No support for non-UTC timezone {d.tzinfo}")
return d.strftime(cls._FMT_DATETIME)
def _format_date(cls, d: dt.date) -> str:
"""Format given datetime as RFC-3339 date-time string."""
return d.strftime(cls._FMT_DATE)
def _parse_datetime(cls, s: str) -> Tuple[int]:
"""Try to parse string to a date(time) tuple"""
return tuple(int(v) for v in cls._regex_datetime.match(s).groups() if v is not None)
except Exception:
raise ValueError("Can not parse as date: {s}".format(s=s))
def today(self) -> str:
"""Today (date) in RFC3339 format"""
return self.date(dt.date.today())
def utcnow(self) -> str:
"""Current UTC datetime in RFC3339 format."""
# Current time in UTC timezone (instead of naive `datetime.datetime.utcnow()`, per `datetime` documentation)
now = dt.datetime.now(tz=dt.timezone.utc)
return self.datetime(now)
# Default RFC3339 date-time formatter
rfc3339 = Rfc3339()
@deprecated("Use `rfc3339.normalize`, `rfc3339.date` or `rfc3339.datetime` instead")
def date_to_rfc3339(d: Any) -> str:
Convert date-like object to a RFC 3339 formatted date string
see https://tools.ietf.org/html/rfc3339#section-5.6
return rfc3339.normalize(d)
def dict_no_none(*args, **kwargs) -> dict:
Helper to build a dict containing given key-value pairs where the value is not None.
return {
k: v
for k, v in dict(*args, **kwargs).items()
if v is not None
def first_not_none(*args):
"""Return first item from given arguments that is not None."""
for item in args:
if item is not None:
return item
raise ValueError("No not-None values given.")
def ensure_dir(path: Union[str, Path]) -> Path:
"""Create directory if it doesn't exist."""
path = Path(path)
if not path.exists():
path.mkdir(parents=True, exist_ok=True)
assert path.is_dir()
return path
def ensure_list(x):
"""Convert given data structure to a list."""
return list(x)
except TypeError:
return [x]
class ContextTimer:
Context manager to measure the "wall clock" time (in seconds) inside/for a block of code.
Usage example:
with ContextTimer() as timer:
# Inside code block: currently elapsed time
# Outside code block: elapsed time when block ended
__slots__ = ["start", "end"]
# Function that returns current time in seconds (overridable for unit tests)
_clock = time.time
def __init__(self):
self.start = None
self.end = None
def elapsed(self) -> float:
"""Elapsed time (in seconds) inside or at the end of wrapped context."""
if self.start is None:
raise RuntimeError("Timer not started.")
if self.end is not None:
# Elapsed time when exiting context.
return self.end - self.start
# Currently elapsed inside context.
return self._clock() - self.start
def __enter__(self) -> ContextTimer:
self.start = self._clock()
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
self.end = self._clock()
class TimingLogger:
Context manager for quick and easy logging of start time, end time and elapsed time of some block of code
Usage example:
>>> with TimingLogger("Doing batch job"):
... do_batch_job()
At start of the code block the current time will be logged
and at end of the code block the end time and elapsed time will be logged.
Can also be used as a function/method decorator, for example:
>>> @TimingLogger("Calculation going on")
... def add(x, y):
... return x + y
# Function that returns current datetime (overridable for unit tests)
_now = dt.datetime.now
def __init__(self, title: str = "Timing", logger: Union[logging.Logger, str, Callable] = logger):
:param title: the title to use in the logging
:param logger: how the timing should be logged.
Can be specified as a logging.Logger object (in which case the INFO log level will be used),
as a string (name of the logging.Logger object to construct),
or as callable (e.g. to use the `print` function, or the `.debug` method of an existing logger)
self.title = title
if isinstance(logger, str):
logger = logging.getLogger(logger)
if isinstance(logger, (logging.Logger, logging.LoggerAdapter)):
self._log = logger.info
elif callable(logger):
self._log = logger
raise ValueError("Invalid logger {l!r}".format(l=logger))
self.start_time = self.end_time = self.elapsed = None
def __enter__(self):
self.start_time = self._now()
self._log("{t}: start {s}".format(t=self.title, s=self.start_time))
return self
def __exit__(self, exc_type, exc_val, exc_tb):
self.end_time = self._now()
self.elapsed = self.end_time - self.start_time
self._log("{t}: {s} {e}, elapsed {d}".format(
s="fail" if exc_type else "end",
e=self.end_time, d=self.elapsed
def __call__(self, f: Callable):
Use TimingLogger as function/method decorator
def wrapper(*args, **kwargs):
with self:
return f(*args, **kwargs)
return wrapper
class DeepKeyError(LookupError):
def __init__(self, key, keys):
super(DeepKeyError, self).__init__("{k!r} (from deep key {s!r})".format(k=key, s=keys))
# Sentinel object for `default` argument of `deep_get`
_deep_get_default_undefined = object()
def deep_get(data: dict, *keys, default=_deep_get_default_undefined):
Get value deeply from nested dictionaries/lists/tuples
:param data: nested data structure of dicts, lists, tuples
:param keys: sequence of keys/indexes to traverse
:param default: default value when a key is missing.
By default a DeepKeyError will be raised.
for key in keys:
if isinstance(data, dict) and key in data:
data = data[key]
elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)) and isinstance(key, int) and 0 <= key < len(data):
data = data[key]
if default is _deep_get_default_undefined:
raise DeepKeyError(key, keys)
return default
return data
def deep_set(data: dict, *keys, value):
Set a value deeply in nested dictionary
:param data: nested data structure of dicts, lists, tuples
:param keys: sequence of keys/indexes to traverse
:param value: value to set
if len(keys) == 1:
data[keys[0]] = value
elif len(keys) > 1:
if isinstance(data, dict):
deep_set(data.setdefault(keys[0], OrderedDict()), *keys[1:], value=value)
elif isinstance(data, (list, tuple)):
deep_set(data[keys[0]], *keys[1:], value=value)
raise ValueError("No keys given")
def guess_format(filename: Union[str, Path]) -> Union[str, None]:
Guess the output format from a given filename and return the corrected format.
Any names not in the dict get passed through.
extension = Path(filename).suffix
if not extension:
return None
extension = extension[1:].lower()
format_map = {
"gtiff": "GTiff",
"geotiff": "GTiff",
"geotif": "GTiff",
"tiff": "GTiff",
"tif": "GTiff",
"nc": "netCDF",
"netcdf": "netCDF",
"geojson": "GeoJSON",
return format_map.get(extension, extension.upper())
def load_json(path: Union[Path, str]) -> dict:
with Path(path).open("r", encoding="utf-8") as f:
return json.load(f)
def load_json_resource(src: Union[str, Path]) -> dict:
Helper to load some kind of JSON resource
:param src: a JSON resource: a raw JSON string,
a path to (local) JSON file, or a URL to a remote JSON resource
:return: data structured parsed from JSON
if isinstance(src, str) and src.strip().startswith("{"):
# Assume source is a raw JSON string
return json.loads(src)
elif isinstance(src, str) and re.match(r"^https?://", src, flags=re.I):
# URL to remote JSON resource
return requests.get(src).json()
elif isinstance(src, Path) or (isinstance(src, str) and src.endswith(".json")):
# Assume source is a local JSON file path
return load_json(src)
raise ValueError(src)
class LazyLoadCache:
"""Simple cache that allows to (lazy) load on cache miss."""
def __init__(self):
self._cache = {}
def get(self, key: Union[str, tuple], load: Callable[[], Any]):
if key not in self._cache:
self._cache[key] = load()
return self._cache[key]
def clear(self):
self._cache = {}
def str_truncate(text: str, width: int = 64, ellipsis: str = "...") -> str:
"""Shorten a string (with an ellipsis) if it is longer than certain length."""
width = max(0, int(width))
if len(text) <= width:
return text
if len(ellipsis) > width:
ellipsis = ellipsis[:width]
return text[:max(0, (width - len(ellipsis)))] + ellipsis
def repr_truncate(obj: Any, width: int = 64, ellipsis: str = "...") -> str:
"""Do `repr` rendering of an object, but truncate string if it is too long ."""
if isinstance(obj, str) and width > len(ellipsis) + 2:
# Special case: put ellipsis inside quotes
return repr(str_truncate(text=obj, width=width - 2, ellipsis=ellipsis))
# General case: just put ellipsis at end
return str_truncate(text=repr(obj), width=width, ellipsis=ellipsis)
def in_interactive_mode() -> bool:
"""Detect if we are running in interactive mode (Jupyter/IPython/repl)"""
# Based on https://stackoverflow.com/a/64523765
return hasattr(sys, "ps1")
class InvalidBBoxException(ValueError):
class BBoxDict(dict):
Dictionary based helper to easily create/work with bounding box dictionaries
(having keys "west", "south", "east", "north", and optionally "crs").
:param crs: value describing the coordinate reference system.
Typically just an int (interpreted as EPSG code, e.g. ``4326``)
or a string (handled as authority string, e.g. ``"EPSG:4326"``).
See :py:func:`openeo.util.normalize_crs` for more details about additional normalization that is applied to this argument.
.. versionadded:: 0.10.1
def __init__(self, *, west: float, south: float, east: float, north: float, crs: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None):
super().__init__(west=west, south=south, east=east, north=north)
if crs is not None:
# TODO: provide west, south, east, north, crs as @properties? Read-only or read-write?
def from_any(cls, x: Any, *, crs: Optional[str] = None) -> BBoxDict:
if isinstance(x, dict):
if crs and "crs" in x and crs != x["crs"]:
raise InvalidBBoxException(f"Two CRS values specified: {crs} and {x['crs']}")
return cls.from_dict({"crs": crs, **x})
elif isinstance(x, (list, tuple)):
return cls.from_sequence(x, crs=crs)
elif isinstance(x, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry):
return cls.from_sequence(x.bounds, crs=crs)
# TODO: support other input? E.g.: WKT string, GeoJson-style dictionary (Polygon, FeatureCollection, ...)
raise InvalidBBoxException(f"Can not construct BBoxDict from {x!r}")
def from_dict(cls, data: dict) -> BBoxDict:
"""Build from dictionary with at least keys "west", "south", "east", and "north"."""
expected_fields = {"west", "south", "east", "north"}
# TODO: also support upper case fields?
# TODO: optional support for parameterized bbox fields?
missing = expected_fields.difference(data.keys())
if missing:
raise InvalidBBoxException(f"Missing bbox fields {sorted(missing)}")
invalid = {k: data[k] for k in expected_fields if not isinstance(data[k], (int, float))}
if invalid:
raise InvalidBBoxException(f"Non-numerical bbox fields {invalid}.")
return cls(west=data["west"], south=data["south"], east=data["east"], north=data["north"], crs=data.get("crs"))
def from_sequence(cls, seq: Union[list, tuple], crs: Optional[str] = None) -> BBoxDict:
"""Build from sequence of 4 bounds (west, south, east and north)."""
if len(seq) != 4:
raise InvalidBBoxException(f"Expected sequence with 4 items, but got {len(seq)}.")
return cls(west=seq[0], south=seq[1], east=seq[2], north=seq[3], crs=crs)
def to_bbox_dict(x: Any, *, crs: Optional[Union[str, int]] = None) -> BBoxDict:
Convert given data or object to a bounding box dictionary
(having keys "west", "south", "east", "north", and optionally "crs").
Supports various input types/formats:
- list/tuple (assumed to be in west-south-east-north order)
>>> to_bbox_dict([3, 50, 4, 51])
{'west': 3, 'south': 50, 'east': 4, 'north': 51}
- dictionary (unnecessary items will be stripped)
>>> to_bbox_dict({
... "color": "red", "shape": "triangle",
... "west": 1, "south": 2, "east": 3, "north": 4, "crs": "EPSG:4326",
... })
{'west': 1, 'south': 2, 'east': 3, 'north': 4, 'crs': 'EPSG:4326'}
- a shapely geometry
.. versionadded:: 0.10.1
:param x: input data that describes west-south-east-north bounds in some way, e.g. as a dictionary,
a list, a tuple, ashapely geometry, ...
:param crs: (optional) CRS field
:return: dictionary (subclass) with keys "west", "south", "east", "north", and optionally "crs".
return BBoxDict.from_any(x=x, crs=crs)
def url_join(root_url: str, path: str):
"""Join a base url and sub path properly."""
return urljoin(root_url.rstrip("/") + "/", path.lstrip("/"))
def clip(x: float, min: float, max: float) -> float:
"""Clip given value between minimum and maximum value"""
return min if x < min else (x if x < max else max)
class SimpleProgressBar:
"""Simple ASCII-based progress bar helper."""
__slots__ = ["width", "bar", "fill", "left", "right"]
def __init__(self, width: int = 40, *, bar: str = "#", fill: str = "-", left: str = "[", right: str = "]"):
self.width = int(width)
self.bar = bar[0]
self.fill = fill[0]
self.left = left
self.right = right
def get(self, fraction: float) -> str:
width = self.width - len(self.left) - len(self.right)
bar = self.bar * int(round(width * clip(fraction, min=0, max=1)))
return f"{self.left}{bar:{self.fill}<{width}s}{self.right}"
def normalize_crs(crs: Any, *, use_pyproj: bool = True) -> Union[None, int, str]:
Normalize the given value (describing a CRS or Coordinate Reference System)
to an openEO compatible EPSG code (int) or WKT2 CRS string.
At minimum, the following input values are handled:
- an integer value (e.g. ``4326``) is interpreted as an EPSG code
- a string that just contains an integer (e.g. ``"4326"``)
or with and additional ``"EPSG:"`` prefix (e.g. ``"EPSG:4326"``)
will also be interpreted as an EPSG value
Additional support and behavior depends on the availability of the ``pyproj`` library:
- When available, it will be used for parsing and validation:
everything supported by `pyproj.CRS.from_user_input <https://pyproj4.github.io/pyproj/dev/api/crs/crs.html#pyproj.crs.CRS.from_user_input>`_ is allowed.
See the ``pyproj`` docs for more details.
- Otherwise, some best effort validation is done:
EPSG looking integer or string values will be parsed as such as discussed above.
Other strings will be assumed to be WKT2 already.
Other data structures will not be accepted.
:param crs: value that encodes a coordinate reference system, typically just an int (EPSG code) or string (authority string).
If the ``pyproj`` library is available, everything supported by it is allowed.
:param use_pyproj: whether ``pyproj`` should be leveraged at all
(mainly useful for testing the "no pyproj available" code path)
:return: EPSG code as int, or WKT2 string. Or None if input was empty.
:raises ValueError:
When the given CRS data can not be parsed/converted/normalized.
if crs in (None, "", {}):
return None
if pyproj and use_pyproj:
# (if available:) let pyproj do the validation/parsing
crs_obj = pyproj.CRS.from_user_input(crs)
# Convert back to EPSG int or WKT2 string
crs = crs_obj.to_epsg() or crs_obj.to_wkt()
except pyproj.ProjError as e:
raise ValueError(f"Failed to normalize CRS data with pyproj: {crs!r}") from e
# Best effort simple validation/normalization
if isinstance(crs, int) and crs > 0:
# Assume int is already valid EPSG code
elif isinstance(crs, str):
# Parse as EPSG int code if it looks like that,
# otherwise: leave it as-is, assuming it is a valid WKT2 CRS string
if re.match(r"^(epsg:)?\d+$", crs.strip(), flags=re.IGNORECASE):
crs = int(crs.split(":")[-1])
elif "GEOGCRS[" in crs:
# Very simple WKT2 CRS detection heuristic
logger.warning(f"Assuming this is a valid WK2 CRS string: {repr_truncate(crs)}")
raise ValueError(f"Can not normalize CRS string {repr_truncate(crs)}")
raise ValueError(f"Can not normalize CRS data {type(crs)}")
return crs