

Configuration files are an experimental feature and some details are subject to change.

Added in version 0.10.0.

Configuration files

Some functionality of the openEO Python client library can customized through configuration files.


Note that these configuration files are different from the authentication secret/cache files discussed at Auth config files and openeo-auth helper tool. The latter are focussed on storing authentication secrets and are mostly managed automatically. The normal configuration files however should not contain secrets, are usually edited manually, can be placed at various locations and it is not uncommon to store them in version control where that makes sense.


At the moment, only INI-style configs are supported. This is a simple configuration format, easy to maintain and it is supported out of the box in Python (without additional libraries).

Example (note the use of sections and support for comments):

# Print loaded configuration file and default back-end URLs in interactive mode
verbose = auto

default_backend =


The following configuration locations are probed (in this order) for an existing configuration file. The first successful hit will be loaded:

  • the path in environment variable OPENEO_CLIENT_CONFIG if it is set (filename must end with extension .ini)

  • the file openeo-client-config.ini in the current working directory

  • the file ${OPENEO_CONFIG_HOME}/openeo-client-config.ini if the environment variable OPENEO_CONFIG_HOME is set

  • the file ${XDG_CONFIG_HOME}/openeo-python-client/openeo-client-config.ini if environment variable XDG_CONFIG_HOME is set

  • the file .openeo-client-config.ini in the home folder of the user

Configuration options

Config Section


Description and possible values



Verbosity mode when important config values are used:
  • print: always print() info

  • auto (default): only print() when in an interactive context

  • off: don’t print info



Default back-end to connect to when openeo.connect() is used without explicit back-end URL. Also see Default openEO back-end URL and auto-authentication



Automatically authenticate in openeo.connect() when using the default_backend config. Allowed values:
  • basic for basic authentication

  • oidc for OpenID Connect authentication

  • off (default) for no authentication

Also see Default openEO back-end URL and auto-authentication



Automatically authenticate in openeo.connect(). Allowed values: see default_backend.auto_authenticate. Also see Default openEO back-end URL and auto-authentication