Working with processes

In openEO, a process is an operation that performs a specific task on a set of parameters and returns a result. For example, with the add process you can add two numbers, in openEO’s JSON notation:

    "process_id": "add",
    "arguments": {"x": 3, "y": 5}

A process is similar to a function in common programming languages, and likewise, multiple processes can be combined or chained together into new, more complex operations.

A bit of terminology

A pre-defined process is a process provided out of the box by a given back-end. These are often the centrally defined openEO processes, such as common mathematical (sum, divide, sqrt, …), statistical (mean, max, …) and image processing (mask, apply_kernel, …) operations. Back-ends are expected to support most of these standard ones, but are free to pre-define additional ones too.

Processes can be combined into a larger pipeline, parameterized and stored on the back-end as a so called user-defined process. This allows you to build a library of reusable building blocks that can be be inserted easily in multiple other places. See User-Defined Processes (UDP) for more information.

How processes are combined into a larger unit is internally represented by a so-called process graph. It describes how the inputs and outputs of processes should be linked together. A user of the Python client should normally not worry about the details of a process graph structure, as most of these aspects are hidden behind regular Python functions, classes and methods.

Using common pre-defined processes

The listing of pre-defined processes provided by a back-end can be inspected with list_processes(). For example, to get a list of the process names (process ids):

>>> process_ids = [process["id"] for process in connection.list_processes()]
>>> print(process_ids[:16])
['arccos', 'arcosh', 'power', 'last', 'subtract', 'not', 'cosh', 'artanh',
'is_valid', 'first', 'median', 'eq', 'absolute', 'arctan2', 'divide','is_nan']

More information about the processes, like a description or expected parameters, can be queried like that, but it is often easier to look them up on the official openEO process documentation

A single pre-defined process can be retrieved with describe_process().

Convenience methods

Most of the important pre-defined processes are covered directly by methods on classes like DataCube or VectorCube.

See also

See openEO Process Mapping for a mapping of openEO processes the corresponding methods in the openEO Python Client library.

For example, to apply the filter_temporal process to a raster data cube:

cube = cube.filter_temporal("2020-02-20", "2020-06-06")

Being regular Python methods, you get usual function call features you’re accustomed to: default values, keyword arguments, kwargs usage, … For example, to use a bounding box dictionary with kwargs-expansion:

bbox = {
    "west": 5.05, "south": 51.20, "east": 5.10, "north": 51.23
cube = cube.filter_bbox(**bbox)

Note that some methods try to be more flexible and convenient to use than how the official process definition prescribes. For example, the filter_temporal process expects an extent array with 2 items (the start and end date), but you can call the corresponding client method in multiple equivalent ways:

cube.filter_temporal("2019-07-01", "2019-08-01")
cube.filter_temporal(["2019-07-01", "2019-08-01"])
cube.filter_temporal(extent=["2019-07-01", "2019-08-01"])
cube.filter_temporal(start_date="2019-07-01", end_date="2019-08-01"])

Advanced argument tweaking

Added in version 0.10.1.

In some situations, you may want to finetune what the (convenience) methods generate. For example, you want to play with non-standard, experimental arguments, or there is a problem with a automatic argument handling/conversion feature.

You can tweak the arguments of your current result node as follows. Say, we want to add some non-standard feature_flags argument to the load_collection process node. We first get the current result node with result_node() and use update_arguments() to add an additional argument to it:

# `Connection.load_collection` does not support `feature_flags` argument
cube = connection.load_collection(...)

# Add `feature_flag` argument `load_collection` process graph node

# The resulting process graph will now contain this non-standard argument:
#     {
#         "process_id": "load_collection",
#         "arguments": {
#             ...
#             "feature_flags": "rXPk",

Generic API for adding processes

An openEO back-end may offer processes that are not part of the core API, or the client may not (yet) have a corresponding method for a process that you wish to use. In that case, you can fall back to a more generic API that allows you to add processes directly.


To add a simple process to the graph, use the process() method on a DataCube. You have to specify the process id and arguments (as a single dictionary or through keyword arguments **kwargs). It will return a new DataCube with the new process appended to the internal process graph.

A very simple example using the mean process and a literal list in an arguments dictionary:

arguments= {
    "data": [1, 3, -1]
res = cube.process("mean", arguments)

or equivalently, leveraging keyword arguments:

res = cube.process("mean", data=[1, 3, -1])

Passing data cube arguments

The example above is a bit convoluted however in the sense that you start from a given data cube cube, you add a mean process that works on a given data array, while completely ignoring the original cube. In reality you typically want to apply the process on the cube. This is possible by passing a data cube object directly as argument, for example with the ndvi process that at least expects a data cube as data argument

res = cube.process("ndvi", data=cube)

Note that you have to specify cube twice here: a first time to call the method and a second time as argument. Moreover, it requires you to define a Python variable for the data cube, which is annoying if you want to use a chained expressions. To solve these issues, you can use the THIS constant as symbolic reference to the “current” cube:

from import THIS

res = (
        .process("filter_bands", data=THIS)
        .process("mask", data=THIS, mask=mask)
        .process("ndvi", data=THIS)

Passing results from other process calls as arguments

Another use case of generically applying (custom) processes is passing a process result as argument to another process working on a cube. For example, assume we have a custom process load_my_vector_cube to load a vector cube from an online resource. We can use this vector cube as geometry for DataCube.aggregate_spatial() using openeo.processes.process() as follows:

from openeo.processes import process

res = cube.aggregate_spatial(
    geometries=process("load_my_vector_cube", url="https://geo.example/features.db"),

Processes with child “callbacks”

Some openEO processes expect some kind of sub-process to be invoked on a subset or slice of the datacube. For example:

  • process apply requires a transformation that will be applied to each pixel in the cube (separately), e.g. in pseudocode

        given a pixel value
        => scale it with factor 0.01
  • process reduce_dimension requires an aggregation function to convert an array of pixel values (along a given dimension) to a single value, e.g. in pseudocode

        given a pixel timeseries (array) for a (x,y)-location
        => temporal mean of that array
  • process aggregate_spatial requires a function to aggregate the values in one or more geometries

These transformation functions are usually called “callbacks” because instead of being called explicitly by the user, they are called and managed by their “parent” process (the apply, reduce_dimension and aggregate_spatial in the examples)

The openEO Python Client Library currently provides a couple of DataCube methods that expect such a callback, most commonly:

The openEO Python Client Library supports several ways to specify the desired callback for these functions:

Callback as string

The easiest way is passing a process name as a string, for example:

# Take the absolute value of each pixel

# Reduce a cube along the temporal dimension by taking the maximum value
cube.reduce_dimension(reducer="max", dimension="t")

This approach is only possible if the desired transformation is available as a single process. If not, use one of the methods below.

It’s also important to note that the “signature” of the provided callback process should correspond properly with what the parent process expects. For example: apply requires a callback process that receives a number and returns one (like absolute or sqrt), while reduce_dimension requires a callback process that receives an array of numbers and returns a single number (like max or mean).

Callback as a callable

You can also specify the callback as a “callable”: which is a fancy word for a Python object that can be called, but just think of it like a function you can call.

You can use a regular Python function, like this:

def transform(x):
    return x * 2 + 3


or, more compactly, a “lambda” (a construct in Python to create anonymous inline functions):

cube.apply(lambda x: x * 2 + 3)

The openEO Python Client Library implements most of the official openEO processes as functions in the “openeo.processes” module, which can be used directly as callback:

from openeo.processes import absolute, max

cube.reduce_dimension(reducer=max, dimension="t")

The argument that will be passed to all these callback functions is a ProcessBuilder instance. This is a helper object with predefined methods for all standard openEO processes, allowing to use an object oriented coding style to define the callback. For example:

from openeo.processes import ProcessBuilder

def avg(data: ProcessBuilder):
    return data.mean()

cube.reduce_dimension(reducer=avg, dimension="t")

These methods also return ProcessBuilder objects, which also allows writing callbacks in chained fashion:

    lambda x: x.absolute().cos().add(y=1.23)

All this gives a lot of flexibility to define callbacks compactly in a desired coding style. The following examples result in the same callback:

from openeo.processes import ProcessBuilder, mean, cos, add

# Chained methods
    lambda data: data.mean().cos().add(y=1.23),

# Functions
    lambda data: add(x=cos(mean(data)), y=1.23),

# Mixing methods, functions and operators
    lambda data: cos(data.mean())) + 1.23,


Specifying callbacks through Python functions (or lambdas) looks intuitive and straightforward, but it should be noted that not everything is allowed in these functions. You should just limit yourself to calling openeo.processes functions, ProcessBuilder methods and basic math operators. Don’t call functions from other libraries like numpy or scipy. Don’t use Python control flow statements like if/else constructs or for loops.

The reason for this is that the openEO Python Client Library does not translate the function source code itself to an openEO process graph. Instead, when building the openEO process graph, it passes a special object to the function and keeps track of which openeo.processes functions were called to assemble the corresponding process graph. If you use control flow statements or use numpy functions for example, this procedure will incorrectly detect what you want to do in the callback.

For example, if you mistakenly use the Python builtin sum() function in a callback instead of openeo.processes.sum(), you will run into trouble. Luckily the openEO Python client Library should raise an error if it detects that:

>>> # Wrongly using builtin `sum` function
>>> cube.reduce_dimension(dimension="t", reducer=sum)
RuntimeError: Exceeded ProcessBuilder iteration limit.
Are you mistakenly using a builtin like `sum()` or `all()` in a callback
instead of the appropriate helpers from `openeo.processes`?

>>> # Explicit usage of `openeo.processes.sum`
>>> import openeo.processes
>>> cube.reduce_dimension(dimension="t", reducer=openeo.processes.sum)
< at 0x7f6505a40d00>

Callback as PGNode

You can also pass a PGNode object as callback.


This approach should generally not be used in normal use cases. The other options discussed above should be preferred. It’s mainly intended for internal use and an occasional, advanced use case. It requires in-depth knowledge of the openEO API and openEO Python Client Library to construct correctly.

Some examples:

from openeo.internal.graph_building import PGNode

        x=PGNode("absolute", x={"from_parameter": "x"})

    reducer=PGNode("max", data={"from_parameter": "data"}),