# Note: this module was initially developed under the ``openeo-udf`` project (https://github.com/Open-EO/openeo-udf)
from __future__ import annotations
import collections
import json
import typing
from pathlib import Path
from typing import Optional, Union
import numpy
import xarray
from openeo.udf import OpenEoUdfException
from openeo.util import deep_get, dict_no_none
if typing.TYPE_CHECKING:
# Imports for type checking only (circular import issue at runtime).
import matplotlib.colors
class XarrayDataCube:
This is a thin wrapper around :py:class:`xarray.DataArray`
providing a basic "DataCube" interface for openEO UDF usage around multi-dimensional data.
# TODO #472 This class, just wrapping an array.DataArray, seems to make things more complicated/confusing than necessary.
def __init__(self, array: xarray.DataArray):
if not isinstance(array, xarray.DataArray):
raise OpenEoUdfException("Argument data must be of type xarray.DataArray")
self._array = array
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{type(self).__name__} shape:{self._array.shape}>"
def get_array(self) -> xarray.DataArray:
Get the :py:class:`xarray.DataArray` that contains the data and dimension definition
return self._array
array = property(fget=get_array)
def id(self):
return self._array.name
def to_dict(self) -> dict:
Convert this hypercube into a dictionary that can be converted into
a valid JSON representation
>>> example = {
... "id": "test_data",
... "data": [
... [[0.0, 0.1], [0.2, 0.3]],
... [[0.0, 0.1], [0.2, 0.3]],
... ],
... "dimension": [
... {"name": "time", "coordinates": ["2001-01-01", "2001-01-02"]},
... {"name": "X", "coordinates": [50.0, 60.0]},
... {"name": "Y"},
... ],
... }
xd = self._array.to_dict()
return dict_no_none({
"id": xd.get("name"),
"data": xd.get("data"),
"description": deep_get(xd, "attrs", "description", default=None),
"dimensions": [
coordinates=deep_get(xd, "coords", dim, "data", default=None)
for dim in xd.get("dims", [])
def from_dict(cls, xdc_dict: dict) -> XarrayDataCube:
Create a :py:class:`XarrayDataCube` from a Python dictionary that was created from
the JSON definition of the data cube
:param data: The dictionary that contains the data cube definition
if "data" not in xdc_dict:
raise OpenEoUdfException("Missing data in dictionary")
data = numpy.asarray(xdc_dict["data"])
if "dimensions" in xdc_dict:
dims = [dim["name"] for dim in xdc_dict["dimensions"]]
coords = {dim["name"]: dim["coordinates"] for dim in xdc_dict["dimensions"] if "coordinates" in dim}
dims = None
coords = None
x = xarray.DataArray(data, dims=dims, coords=coords, name=xdc_dict.get("id"))
if "description" in xdc_dict:
x.attrs["description"] = xdc_dict["description"]
return cls(array=x)
def _guess_format(path: Union[str, Path]) -> str:
"""Guess file format from file name."""
suffix = Path(path).suffix.lower()
if suffix in [".nc", ".netcdf"]:
return "netcdf"
elif suffix in [".json"]:
return "json"
raise ValueError("Can not guess format of {p}".format(p=path))
def from_file(cls, path: Union[str, Path], fmt=None, **kwargs) -> XarrayDataCube:
Load data file as :py:class:`XarrayDataCube` in memory
:param path: the file on disk
:param fmt: format to load from, e.g. "netcdf" or "json"
(will be auto-detected when not specified)
:return: loaded data cube
fmt = fmt or cls._guess_format(path)
if fmt.lower() == 'netcdf':
return cls(array=XarrayIO.from_netcdf_file(path=path, **kwargs))
elif fmt.lower() == 'json':
return cls(array=XarrayIO.from_json_file(path=path))
raise ValueError("invalid format {f}".format(f=fmt))
def save_to_file(self, path: Union[str, Path], fmt=None, **kwargs):
Store :py:class:`XarrayDataCube` to file
:param path: destination file on disk
:param fmt: format to save as, e.g. "netcdf" or "json"
(will be auto-detected when not specified)
fmt = fmt or self._guess_format(path)
if fmt.lower() == 'netcdf':
XarrayIO.to_netcdf_file(array=self.get_array(), path=path, **kwargs)
elif fmt.lower() == 'json':
XarrayIO.to_json_file(array=self.get_array(), path=path)
raise ValueError(fmt)
def plot(
title: str = None,
show_bandnames: bool = True,
show_dates: bool = True,
show_axeslabels: bool = False,
fontsize: float = 10.,
oversample: float = 1,
cmap: Union[str, 'matplotlib.colors.Colormap'] = 'RdYlBu_r',
cbartext: str = None,
to_file: str = None,
to_show: bool = True
Visualize a :py:class:`XarrayDataCube` with matplotlib
:param datacube: data to plot
:param title: title text drawn in the top left corner (default: nothing)
:param limits: range of the contour plot as a tuple(min,max) (default: None, in which case the min/max is computed from the data)
:param show_bandnames: whether to plot the column names (default: True)
:param show_dates: whether to show the dates for each row (default: True)
:param show_axeslabels: whether to show the labels on the axes (default: False)
:param fontsize: font size in pixels (default: 10)
:param oversample: one value is plotted into oversample x oversample number of pixels (default: 1 which means each value is plotted as a single pixel)
:param cmap: built-in matplotlib color map name or ColorMap object (default: RdYlBu_r which is a blue-yellow-red rainbow)
:param cbartext: text on top of the legend (default: nothing)
:param to_file: filename to save the image to (default: None, which means no file is generated)
:param to_show: whether to show the image in a matplotlib window (default: True)
:return: None
from matplotlib import pyplot
data = self.get_array()
if limits is None:
vmin = data.min()
vmax = data.max()
vmin = limits[0]
vmax = limits[1]
# fill bands and t if missing
if 'bands' not in data.dims:
data = data.expand_dims(dim={'bands': ['band0']})
if 't' not in data.dims:
data = data.expand_dims(dim={'t': [numpy.datetime64('today')]})
if 'bands' not in data.coords:
data['bands'] = ['band0']
if 't' not in data.coords:
data['t'] = [numpy.datetime64('today')]
# align with plot
data = data.transpose('t', 'bands', 'y', 'x')
dpi = 100
xres = len(data.x) / dpi
yres = len(data.y) / dpi
fs = fontsize / oversample
frame = 0.33
nrow = data.shape[0]
ncol = data.shape[1]
fig = pyplot.figure(figsize=((ncol + frame) * xres * 1.1, (nrow + frame) * yres), dpi=int(dpi * oversample))
gs = pyplot.GridSpec(nrow, ncol, wspace=0., hspace=0., top=nrow / (nrow + frame), bottom=0.,
left=frame / (ncol + frame), right=1.)
xmin = data.x.min()
xmax = data.x.max()
ymin = data.y.min()
ymax = data.y.max()
# flip around if incorrect, this is in harmony with origin='lower'
if (data.x[0] > data.x[-1]):
data = data.reindex(x=list(reversed(data.x)))
if (data.y[0] > data.y[-1]):
data = data.reindex(y=list(reversed(data.y)))
extent = (data.x[0], data.x[-1], data.y[0], data.y[-1])
for i in range(nrow):
for j in range(ncol):
im = data[i, j]
ax = pyplot.subplot(gs[i, j])
ax.set_xlim(xmin, xmax)
ax.set_ylim(ymin, ymax)
img = ax.imshow(im, vmin=vmin, vmax=vmax, cmap=cmap, origin='lower', extent=extent)
if not show_axeslabels:
if show_bandnames:
if i == 0: ax.text(0.5, 1.08, data.bands.values[j] + " (" + str(data.dtype) + ")", size=fs,
ha="center", transform=ax.transAxes)
if show_dates:
if j == 0: ax.text(-0.08, 0.5, data.t.dt.strftime("%Y-%m-%d").values[i], size=fs, va="center",
ha="center", rotation=90, transform=ax.transAxes)
if title is not None:
fig.text(0., 1., title.split('/')[-1], size=fs, va="top", ha="left", weight='bold')
cbar_ax = fig.add_axes([0.01, 0.1, 0.04, 0.5])
if cbartext is not None:
fig.text(0.06, 0.62, cbartext, size=fs, va="bottom", ha="center")
cbar = fig.colorbar(img, cax=cbar_ax)
if to_file is not None:
if to_show:
class XarrayIO:
Helpers to load/store :py:cass:`xarray.DataArray` objects,
with some conventions about expected dimensions/bands
def from_json_file(cls, path: Union[str, Path]) -> xarray.DataArray:
with Path(path).open() as f:
return cls.from_json(json.load(f))
def from_json(cls, d: dict) -> xarray.DataArray:
d['data'] = numpy.array(d['data'], dtype=numpy.dtype(d['attrs']['dtype']))
for k, v in d['coords'].items():
# prepare coordinate
d['coords'][k]['data'] = numpy.array(v['data'], dtype=v['attrs']['dtype'])
# remove dtype and shape, because that is included for helping the user
if d['coords'][k].get('attrs', None) is not None:
d['coords'][k]['attrs'].pop('dtype', None)
d['coords'][k]['attrs'].pop('shape', None)
# remove dtype and shape, because that is included for helping the user
if d.get('attrs', None) is not None:
d['attrs'].pop('dtype', None)
d['attrs'].pop('shape', None)
# convert to xarray
r = xarray.DataArray.from_dict(d)
# build dimension list in proper order
dims = list(filter(lambda i: i != 't' and i != 'bands' and i != 'x' and i != 'y', r.dims))
if 't' in r.dims: dims += ['t']
if 'bands' in r.dims: dims += ['bands']
if 'x' in r.dims: dims += ['x']
if 'y' in r.dims: dims += ['y']
# return the resulting data array
return r.transpose(*dims)
def from_netcdf_file(cls, path: Union[str, Path], engine: Optional[str] = None) -> xarray.DataArray:
# load the dataset and convert to data array
ds = xarray.open_dataset(path, engine=engine)
# Skip non-numerical variables (like "crs")
band_vars = [k for k, v in ds.data_vars.items() if v.dtype.kind in {"b", "i", "u", "f"} and len(v.dims) > 0]
ds = ds[band_vars]
r = ds.to_array(dim='bands')
# Reorder dims to proper order (t-bands-x-y at the end)
expected_order = ("t", "bands", "x", "y")
dims = [d for d in r.dims if d not in expected_order] + [d for d in expected_order if d in r.dims]
return r.transpose(*dims)
def to_json_file(cls, array: xarray.DataArray, path: Union[str, Path]):
# to deserialized json
jsonarray = array.to_dict()
# add attributes that needed for re-creating xarray from json
jsonarray['attrs']['dtype'] = str(array.values.dtype)
jsonarray['attrs']['shape'] = list(array.values.shape)
for i in array.coords.values():
jsonarray['coords'][i.name]['attrs']['dtype'] = str(i.dtype)
jsonarray['coords'][i.name]['attrs']['shape'] = list(i.shape)
# custom print so resulting json file is humanly easy to read
# TODO: make this human friendly JSON format optional and allow compact JSON too.
with Path(path).open("w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
def custom_print(data_structure, indent=1):
needs_comma = False
for key, value in data_structure.items():
if needs_comma:
needs_comma = True
f.write(' ' * indent + json.dumps(key) + ':')
if isinstance(value, dict):
custom_print(value, indent + 1)
json.dump(value, f, default=str, separators=(',', ':'))
f.write('\n' + ' ' * (indent - 1) + "}")
def to_netcdf_file(cls, array: xarray.DataArray, path: Union[str, Path], engine: Optional[str] = None):
# temp reference to avoid modifying the original array
result = array
# rearrange in a basic way because older xarray versions have a bug and ellipsis don't work in xarray.transpose()
if result.dims[-2] == 'x' and result.dims[-1] == 'y':
l = list(result.dims[:-2])
result = result.transpose(*(l + ['y', 'x']))
# turn it into a dataset where each band becomes a variable
if not 'bands' in result.dims:
result = result.expand_dims(dim=collections.OrderedDict({'bands': ['band_0']}))
if not 'bands' in result.coords:
labels = ['band_' + str(i) for i in range(result.shape[result.dims.index('bands')])]
result = result.assign_coords(bands=labels)
result = result.to_dataset('bands')
result.to_netcdf(path, engine=engine)