Note: this module was initially developed under the ``openeo-udf`` project (https://github.com/Open-EO/openeo-udf)
import functools
import inspect
import logging
import math
import pathlib
import re
from typing import Callable, List, Union
import numpy
import pandas
import shapely
import xarray
from pandas import Series
import openeo
from openeo import UDF
from openeo.udf import OpenEoUdfException
from openeo.udf._compat import tomllib
from openeo.udf.feature_collection import FeatureCollection
from openeo.udf.structured_data import StructuredData
from openeo.udf.udf_data import UdfData
from openeo.udf.xarraydatacube import XarrayDataCube
_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def _build_default_execution_context():
# TODO: is it really necessary to "pre-load" these modules? Isn't user going to import them explicitly in their script anyway?
context = {
"numpy": numpy, "np": numpy,
"xarray": xarray,
"pandas": pandas, "pd": pandas,
"shapely": shapely,
"math": math,
"UdfData": UdfData,
"XarrayDataCube": XarrayDataCube,
"DataCube": XarrayDataCube, # Legacy alias
"StructuredData": StructuredData,
"FeatureCollection": FeatureCollection,
# "SpatialExtent": SpatialExtent, # TODO?
# "MachineLearnModel": MachineLearnModelConfig, # TODO?
return context
def load_module_from_string(code: str) -> dict:
Experimental: avoid loading same UDF module more than once, to make caching inside the udf work.
@param code:
globals = _build_default_execution_context()
exec(code, globals)
return globals
def _get_annotation_str(annotation: Union[str, type]) -> str:
"""Get parameter annotation as a string"""
if isinstance(annotation, str):
return annotation
elif isinstance(annotation, type):
mod = annotation.__module__
return (mod + "." if mod != str.__module__ else "") + annotation.__name__
return str(annotation)
def _annotation_is_pandas_series(annotation) -> bool:
return annotation in {pandas.Series, _get_annotation_str(pandas.Series)}
def _annotation_is_udf_datacube(annotation) -> bool:
return annotation is XarrayDataCube or _get_annotation_str(annotation) in {
'openeo_udf.api.datacube.DataCube', # Legacy `openeo_udf` annotation
def _annotation_is_data_array(annotation) -> bool:
return annotation is xarray.DataArray or _get_annotation_str(annotation) in {
def _annotation_is_udf_data(annotation) -> bool:
return annotation is UdfData or _get_annotation_str(annotation) in {
'openeo_udf.api.udf_data.UdfData' # Legacy `openeo_udf` annotation
def _apply_timeseries_xarray(array: xarray.DataArray, callback: Callable[[Series], Series]) -> xarray.DataArray:
Apply timeseries callback to given xarray data array
along its time dimension (named "t" or "time")
:param array: array to transform
:param callback: function that transforms a timeseries in another (same size)
:return: transformed array
# Make time dimension the last one, and flatten the rest
# to create a 1D sequence of input time series (also 1D).
[time_position] = [i for (i, d) in enumerate(array.dims) if d in ["t", "time"]]
input_series = numpy.moveaxis(array.values, time_position, -1)
orig_shape = input_series.shape
input_series = input_series.reshape((-1, input_series.shape[-1]))
applied = numpy.asarray([callback(s) for s in input_series])
# Reshape to original shape
applied = applied.reshape(orig_shape)
applied = numpy.moveaxis(applied, -1, time_position)
assert applied.shape == array.shape
return xarray.DataArray(applied, coords=array.coords, dims=array.dims, name=array.name)
def apply_timeseries_generic(
udf_data: UdfData,
callback: Callable[[Series, dict], Series]
) -> UdfData:
Implements the UDF contract by calling a user provided time series transformation function.
:param udf_data:
:param callback: callable that takes a pandas Series and context dict and returns a pandas Series.
See template :py:func:`openeo.udf.udf_signatures.apply_timeseries`
callback = functools.partial(callback, context=udf_data.user_context)
datacubes = [
XarrayDataCube(_apply_timeseries_xarray(array=cube.array, callback=callback))
for cube in udf_data.get_datacube_list()
# Insert the new tiles as list of raster collection tiles in the input object. The new tiles will
# replace the original input tiles.
return udf_data
def run_udf_code(code: str, data: UdfData) -> UdfData:
# TODO: current implementation uses first match directly, first check for multiple matches?
module = load_module_from_string(code)
functions = ((k, v) for (k, v) in module.items() if callable(v))
for (fn_name, func) in functions:
sig = inspect.signature(func)
except ValueError:
params = sig.parameters
first_param = next(iter(params.values()), None)
if (
fn_name == 'apply_timeseries'
and 'series' in params and 'context' in params
and _annotation_is_pandas_series(params["series"].annotation)
and _annotation_is_pandas_series(sig.return_annotation)
_log.info("Found timeseries mapping UDF `{n}` {f!r}".format(n=fn_name, f=func))
return apply_timeseries_generic(data, func)
elif (
fn_name in ['apply_hypercube', 'apply_datacube']
and 'cube' in params and 'context' in params
and _annotation_is_udf_datacube(params["cube"].annotation)
and _annotation_is_udf_datacube(sig.return_annotation)
_log.info("Found datacube mapping UDF `{n}` {f!r}".format(n=fn_name, f=func))
if len(data.get_datacube_list()) != 1:
raise ValueError("The provided UDF expects exactly one datacube, but {c} were provided.".format(
# TODO: also support calls without user context?
result_cube = func(cube=data.get_datacube_list()[0], context=data.user_context)
return data
elif (
fn_name in ['apply_datacube']
and 'cube' in params and 'context' in params
and _annotation_is_data_array(params["cube"].annotation)
and _annotation_is_data_array(sig.return_annotation)
_log.info("Found datacube mapping UDF `{n}` {f!r}".format(n=fn_name, f=func))
if len(data.get_datacube_list()) != 1:
raise ValueError("The provided UDF expects exactly one datacube, but {c} were provided.".format(
# TODO: also support calls without user context?
result_cube: xarray.DataArray = func(cube=data.get_datacube_list()[0].get_array(), context=data.user_context)
return data
elif (
fn_name in ["apply_vectorcube"]
and "geometries" in params
and _get_annotation_str(params["geometries"].annotation) == "geopandas.geodataframe.GeoDataFrame"
and "cube" in params
and _annotation_is_data_array(params["cube"].annotation)
if data.get_feature_collection_list is None or data.get_datacube_list() is None:
raise ValueError(
"The provided UDF expects a FeatureCollection and a datacube, but received {f} and {c}".format(
f=data.get_feature_collection_list(), c=data.get_datacube_list()
if len(data.get_feature_collection_list()) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"The provided UDF expects exactly one FeatureCollection, but {c} were provided.".format(
if len(data.get_datacube_list()) != 1:
raise ValueError(
"The provided UDF expects exactly one datacube, but {c} were provided.".format(
# TODO: geopandas is optional dependency.
input_geoms = data.get_feature_collection_list()[0].data
input_cube = data.get_datacube_list()[0].get_array()
result_geoms, result_cube = func(geometries=input_geoms, cube=input_cube, context=data.user_context)
data.set_feature_collection_list([FeatureCollection(id="udf_result", data=result_geoms)])
return data
elif len(params) == 1 and _annotation_is_udf_data(first_param.annotation):
_log.info("Found generic UDF `{n}` {f!r}".format(n=fn_name, f=func))
return data
raise OpenEoUdfException("No UDF found.")
def execute_local_udf(
udf: Union[str, openeo.UDF], datacube: Union[str, pathlib.Path, xarray.DataArray, XarrayDataCube], fmt="netcdf"
Locally executes an user defined function on a previously downloaded datacube.
:param udf: the code of the user defined function
:param datacube: the path to the downloaded data in disk or a DataCube
:param fmt: format of the file if datacube is string
:return: the resulting DataCube
if isinstance(udf, str):
udf = openeo.UDF(code=udf)
if isinstance(datacube, (str, pathlib.Path)):
d = XarrayDataCube.from_file(path=datacube, fmt=fmt)
elif isinstance(datacube, XarrayDataCube):
d = datacube
elif isinstance(datacube, xarray.DataArray):
d = XarrayDataCube(datacube)
raise ValueError(datacube)
d_array = d.get_array()
expected_order = ("t", "bands", "y", "x")
dims = [d for d in expected_order if d in d_array.dims]
# TODO #472: skip going through XarrayDataCube above, we only need xarray.DataArray here anyway.
d = XarrayDataCube(
# TODO: this float conversion was in original implementation (0962e00e03) but is that actually necessary?
# wrap to udf_data
udf_data = UdfData(datacube_list=[d], user_context=udf.context)
# TODO: enrich to other types like time series, vector data,... probalby by adding named arguments
# signature: UdfData(proj, datacube_list, feature_collection_list, structured_data_list, ml_model_list, metadata)
# run the udf through the same routine as it would have been parsed in the backend
result = run_udf_code(udf.code, udf_data)
return result