Source code for

This module provides a Connection object to manage and persist settings when interacting with the OpenEO API.
from __future__ import annotations

import datetime
import json
import logging
import os
import shlex
import sys
import warnings
from collections import OrderedDict
from pathlib import Path, PurePosixPath
from typing import (

import requests
import shapely.geometry.base
from requests import Response
from requests.auth import AuthBase, HTTPBasicAuth

import openeo
from openeo.capabilities import ApiVersionException, ComparableVersion
from openeo.config import config_log, get_config_option
from openeo.internal.documentation import openeo_process
from openeo.internal.graph_building import FlatGraphableMixin, PGNode, as_flat_graph
from openeo.internal.jupyter import VisualDict, VisualList
from openeo.internal.processes.builder import ProcessBuilderBase
from openeo.internal.warnings import deprecated, legacy_alias
from openeo.metadata import (
from import (
from import build_child_callback
from import BasicBearerAuth, BearerAuth, NullAuth, OidcBearerAuth
from import AuthConfig, RefreshTokenStore
from import (
from import DataCube, InputDate
from import CollectionProperty
from import BatchJob, RESTJob
from import MlModel
from import RESTCapabilities
from import Service
from import Parameter, RESTUserDefinedProcess
from import UserFile
from import VectorCube
from openeo.util import (

_log = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Default timeouts for requests
# TODO: get default_timeout from config?

class RestApiConnection:
    """Base connection class implementing generic REST API request functionality"""

    def __init__(
        root_url: str,
        auth: Optional[AuthBase] = None,
        session: Optional[requests.Session] = None,
        default_timeout: Optional[int] = None,
        slow_response_threshold: Optional[float] = None,
        self._root_url = root_url
        self.auth = auth or NullAuth()
        self.session = session or requests.Session()
        self.default_timeout = default_timeout or DEFAULT_TIMEOUT
        self.default_headers = {
            "User-Agent": "openeo-python-client/{cv} {py}/{pv} {pl}".format(
      , pv=".".join(map(str, sys.version_info[:3])),
        self.slow_response_threshold = slow_response_threshold

    def root_url(self):
        return self._root_url

    def build_url(self, path: str):
        return url_join(self._root_url, path)

    def _merged_headers(self, headers: dict) -> dict:
        """Merge default headers with given headers"""
        result = self.default_headers.copy()
        if headers:
        return result

    def _is_external(self, url: str) -> bool:
        """Check if given url is external (not under root url)"""
        root = self.root_url.rstrip("/")
        return not (url == root or url.startswith(root + '/'))

    def request(
        method: str,
        path: str,
        headers: Optional[dict] = None,
        auth: Optional[AuthBase] = None,
        check_error: bool = True,
        expected_status: Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]] = None,
        """Generic request send"""
        url = self.build_url(path)
        # Don't send default auth headers to external domains.
        auth = auth or (self.auth if not self._is_external(url) else None)
        slow_response_threshold = kwargs.pop("slow_response_threshold", self.slow_response_threshold)
        if _log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
            _log.debug("Request `{m} {u}` with headers {h}, auth {a}, kwargs {k}".format(
                m=method.upper(), u=url, h=headers and headers.keys(), a=type(auth).__name__, k=list(kwargs.keys()))
        with ContextTimer() as timer:
            resp = self.session.request(
                timeout=kwargs.pop("timeout", self.default_timeout),
        if slow_response_threshold and timer.elapsed() > slow_response_threshold:
            _log.warning("Slow response: `{m} {u}` took {e:.2f}s (>{t:.2f}s)".format(
                m=method.upper(), u=str_truncate(url, width=64),
                e=timer.elapsed(), t=slow_response_threshold
        if _log.isEnabledFor(logging.DEBUG):
                f"openEO request `{resp.request.method} {resp.request.path_url}` -> response {resp.status_code} headers {resp.headers!r}"
        # Check for API errors and unexpected HTTP status codes as desired.
        status = resp.status_code
        expected_status = ensure_list(expected_status) if expected_status else []
        if check_error and status >= 400 and status not in expected_status:
        if expected_status and status not in expected_status:
            raise OpenEoRestError("Got status code {s!r} for `{m} {p}` (expected {e!r}) with body {body}".format(
                m=method.upper(), p=path, s=status, e=expected_status, body=resp.text)
        return resp

    def _raise_api_error(self, response: requests.Response):
        """Convert API error response to Python exception"""
        status_code = response.status_code
            info = response.json()
        except Exception:
            info = None

        # Valid JSON object with "code" and "message" fields indicates a proper openEO API error.
        if isinstance(info, dict):
            error_code = info.get("code")
            error_message = info.get("message")
            if error_code and isinstance(error_code, str) and error_message and isinstance(error_message, str):
                raise OpenEoApiError(

        # Failed to parse it as a compliant openEO API error: show body as-is in the exception.
        text = response.text
        error_message = None
        _log.warning(f"Failed to parse API error response: [{status_code}] {text!r} (headers: {response.headers})")

        # TODO: eliminate this VITO-backend specific error massaging?
        if status_code == 502 and "Proxy Error" in text:
            error_message = (
                "Received 502 Proxy Error."
                " This typically happens when a synchronous openEO processing request takes too long and is aborted."
                " Consider using a batch job instead."

        raise OpenEoApiPlainError(message=text, http_status_code=status_code, error_message=error_message)

    def get(self, path: str, stream: bool = False, auth: Optional[AuthBase] = None, **kwargs) -> Response:
        Do GET request to REST API.

        :param path: API path (without root url)
        :param stream: True if the get request should be streamed, else False
        :param auth: optional custom authentication to use instead of the default one
        :return: response: Response
        return self.request("get", path=path, stream=stream, auth=auth, **kwargs)

    def post(self, path: str, json: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs) -> Response:
        Do POST request to REST API.

        :param path: API path (without root url)
        :param json: Data (as dictionary) to be posted with JSON encoding)
        :return: response: Response
        return self.request("post", path=path, json=json, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs)

    def delete(self, path: str, **kwargs) -> Response:
        Do DELETE request to REST API.

        :param path: API path (without root url)
        :return: response: Response
        return self.request("delete", path=path, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs)

    def patch(self, path: str, **kwargs) -> Response:
        Do PATCH request to REST API.

        :param path: API path (without root url)
        :return: response: Response
        return self.request("patch", path=path, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs)

    def put(self, path: str, headers: Optional[dict] = None, data: Optional[dict] = None, **kwargs) -> Response:
        Do PUT request to REST API.

        :param path: API path (without root url)
        :param headers: headers that gets added to the request.
        :param data: data that gets added to the request.
        :return: response: Response
        return self.request("put", path=path, data=data, headers=headers, allow_redirects=False, **kwargs)

    def __repr__(self):
        return "<{c} to {r!r} with {a}>".format(c=type(self).__name__, r=self._root_url, a=type(self.auth).__name__)

[docs] class Connection(RestApiConnection): """ Connection to an openEO backend. :param url: Backend root url :param session: Optional ``requests.Session`` object to use for requests. :param default_timeout: Default timeout for requests in seconds. :param auto_validate: toggle to automatically validate process graphs before execution :param slow_response_threshold: Optional threshold in seconds to consider a response as slow and log a warning. :param auth_config: Optional :class:`AuthConfig` object to fetch authentication related configuration from. :param refresh_token_store: For advanced usage: custom :class:`RefreshTokenStore` object to use for storing/loading refresh tokens. :param oidc_auth_renewer: For advanced usage: optional :class:`OidcAuthenticator` object to use for renewing OIDC tokens. :param auth: Optional ``requests.auth.AuthBase`` object to use for requests. Usage of this parameter is deprecated, use the specific authentication methods instead. """ _MINIMUM_API_VERSION = ComparableVersion("1.0.0") def __init__( self, url: str, *, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None, default_timeout: Optional[int] = None, auto_validate: bool = True, slow_response_threshold: Optional[float] = None, auth_config: Optional[AuthConfig] = None, refresh_token_store: Optional[RefreshTokenStore] = None, oidc_auth_renewer: Optional[OidcAuthenticator] = None, auth: Optional[AuthBase] = None, ): if "://" not in url: url = "https://" + url self._orig_url = url super().__init__( root_url=self.version_discovery(url, session=session, timeout=default_timeout), auth=auth, session=session, default_timeout=default_timeout, slow_response_threshold=slow_response_threshold, ) self._capabilities_cache = LazyLoadCache() # Initial API version check. self._api_version.require_at_least(self._MINIMUM_API_VERSION) self._auth_config = auth_config self._refresh_token_store = refresh_token_store self._oidc_auth_renewer = oidc_auth_renewer self._auto_validate = auto_validate
[docs] @classmethod def version_discovery( cls, url: str, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None ) -> str: """ Do automatic openEO API version discovery from given url, using a "well-known URI" strategy. :param url: initial backend url (not including "/.well-known/openeo") :return: root url of highest supported backend version """ try: connection = RestApiConnection(url, session=session) well_known_url_response = connection.get("/.well-known/openeo", timeout=timeout) assert well_known_url_response.status_code == 200 versions = well_known_url_response.json()["versions"] supported_versions = [v for v in versions if cls._MINIMUM_API_VERSION <= v["api_version"]] assert supported_versions production_versions = [v for v in supported_versions if v.get("production", True)] highest_version = max(production_versions or supported_versions, key=lambda v: v["api_version"]) _log.debug("Highest supported version available in backend: %s" % highest_version) return highest_version['url'] except Exception: # Be very lenient about failing on the well-known URI strategy. return url
def _get_auth_config(self) -> AuthConfig: if self._auth_config is None: self._auth_config = AuthConfig() return self._auth_config def _get_refresh_token_store(self) -> RefreshTokenStore: if self._refresh_token_store is None: self._refresh_token_store = RefreshTokenStore() return self._refresh_token_store
[docs] def authenticate_basic(self, username: Optional[str] = None, password: Optional[str] = None) -> Connection: """ Authenticate a user to the backend using basic username and password. :param username: User name :param password: User passphrase """ if not self.capabilities().supports_endpoint("/credentials/basic", method="GET"): raise OpenEoClientException("This openEO back-end does not support basic authentication.") if username is None: username, password = self._get_auth_config().get_basic_auth(backend=self._orig_url) if username is None: raise OpenEoClientException("No username/password given or found.") resp = self.get( '/credentials/basic', # /credentials/basic is the only endpoint that expects a Basic HTTP auth auth=HTTPBasicAuth(username, password) ).json() # Switch to bearer based authentication in further requests. self.auth = BasicBearerAuth(access_token=resp["access_token"]) return self
def _get_oidc_provider( self, provider_id: Union[str, None] = None, parse_info: bool = True ) -> Tuple[str, Union[OidcProviderInfo, None]]: """ Get provider id and info, based on context. If provider_id is given, verify it against backend's list of providers. If not given, find a suitable provider based on env vars, config or backend's default. :param provider_id: id of OIDC provider as specified by backend (/credentials/oidc). Can be None if there is just one provider. :param parse_info: whether to parse the provider info into an :py:class:`OidcProviderInfo` object (which involves a ".well-known/openid-configuration" request) :return: resolved/verified provider_id and provider info object (unless ``parse_info`` is False) """ oidc_info = self.get("/credentials/oidc", expected_status=200).json() providers = OrderedDict((p["id"], p) for p in oidc_info["providers"]) if len(providers) < 1: raise OpenEoClientException("Backend lists no OIDC providers.")"Found OIDC providers: {p}".format(p=list(providers.keys()))) # TODO: also support specifying provider through issuer URL? provider_id_from_env = os.environ.get("OPENEO_AUTH_PROVIDER_ID") if provider_id: if provider_id not in providers: raise OpenEoClientException( "Requested OIDC provider {r!r} not available. Should be one of {p}.".format( r=provider_id, p=list(providers.keys()) ) ) provider = providers[provider_id] elif provider_id_from_env and provider_id_from_env in providers:"Using provider_id {provider_id_from_env!r} from OPENEO_AUTH_PROVIDER_ID env var") provider_id = provider_id_from_env provider = providers[provider_id] elif len(providers) == 1: provider_id, provider = providers.popitem() f"No OIDC provider given, but only one available: {provider_id!r}. Using that one." ) else: # Check if there is a single provider in the config to use. backend = self._orig_url provider_configs = self._get_auth_config().get_oidc_provider_configs( backend=backend ) intersection = set(provider_configs.keys()).intersection(providers.keys()) if len(intersection) == 1: provider_id = intersection.pop() provider = providers[provider_id] f"No OIDC provider given, but only one in config (for backend {backend!r}): {provider_id!r}. Using that one." ) else: provider_id, provider = providers.popitem(last=False) f"No OIDC provider given. Using first provider {provider_id!r} as advertised by backend." ) provider_info = OidcProviderInfo.from_dict(provider) if parse_info else None return provider_id, provider_info def _get_oidc_provider_and_client_info( self, provider_id: str, client_id: Union[str, None] = None, client_secret: Union[str, None] = None, default_client_grant_check: Union[None, GrantsChecker] = None, ) -> Tuple[str, OidcClientInfo]: """ Resolve provider_id and client info (as given or from config) :param provider_id: id of OIDC provider as specified by backend (/credentials/oidc). Can be None if there is just one provider. :return: OIDC provider id and client info """ provider_id, provider = self._get_oidc_provider(provider_id) if client_id is None: _log.debug("No client_id: checking config for preferred client_id") client_id, client_secret = self._get_auth_config().get_oidc_client_configs( backend=self._orig_url, provider_id=provider_id ) if client_id:"Using client_id {c!r} from config (provider {p!r})".format(c=client_id, p=provider_id)) if client_id is None and default_client_grant_check: # Try "default_clients" from backend's provider info. _log.debug("No client_id given: checking default clients in backend's provider info") client_id = provider.get_default_client_id(grant_check=default_client_grant_check) if client_id:"Using default client_id {c!r} from OIDC provider {p!r} info.".format( c=client_id, p=provider_id )) if client_id is None: raise OpenEoClientException("No client_id found.") client_info = OidcClientInfo(client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, provider=provider) return provider_id, client_info def _authenticate_oidc( self, authenticator: OidcAuthenticator, *, provider_id: str, store_refresh_token: bool = False, fallback_refresh_token_to_store: Optional[str] = None, oidc_auth_renewer: Optional[OidcAuthenticator] = None, ) -> Connection: """ Authenticate through OIDC and set up bearer token (based on OIDC access_token) for further requests. """ tokens = authenticator.get_tokens(request_refresh_token=store_refresh_token)"Obtained tokens: {t}".format(t=[k for k, v in tokens._asdict().items() if v])) if store_refresh_token: refresh_token = tokens.refresh_token or fallback_refresh_token_to_store if refresh_token: self._get_refresh_token_store().set_refresh_token( issuer=authenticator.provider_info.issuer, client_id=authenticator.client_id, refresh_token=refresh_token ) if not oidc_auth_renewer: oidc_auth_renewer = OidcRefreshTokenAuthenticator( client_info=authenticator.client_info, refresh_token=refresh_token ) else: _log.warning("No OIDC refresh token to store.") token = tokens.access_token self.auth = OidcBearerAuth(provider_id=provider_id, access_token=token) self._oidc_auth_renewer = oidc_auth_renewer return self
[docs] def authenticate_oidc_authorization_code( self, client_id: Optional[str] = None, client_secret: Optional[str] = None, provider_id: Optional[str] = None, timeout: Optional[int] = None, server_address: Optional[Tuple[str, int]] = None, webbrowser_open: Optional[Callable] = None, store_refresh_token=False, ) -> Connection: """ OpenID Connect Authorization Code Flow (with PKCE). .. deprecated:: 0.19.0 Usage of the Authorization Code flow is deprecated (because of its complexity) and will be removed. It is recommended to use the Device Code flow with :py:meth:`authenticate_oidc_device` or Client Credentials flow with :py:meth:`authenticate_oidc_client_credentials`. """ provider_id, client_info = self._get_oidc_provider_and_client_info( provider_id=provider_id, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, default_client_grant_check=[DefaultOidcClientGrant.AUTH_CODE_PKCE], ) authenticator = OidcAuthCodePkceAuthenticator( client_info=client_info, webbrowser_open=webbrowser_open, timeout=timeout, server_address=server_address ) return self._authenticate_oidc(authenticator, provider_id=provider_id, store_refresh_token=store_refresh_token)
[docs] def authenticate_oidc_client_credentials( self, client_id: Optional[str] = None, client_secret: Optional[str] = None, provider_id: Optional[str] = None, ) -> Connection: """ Authenticate with :ref:`OIDC Client Credentials flow <authenticate_oidc_client_credentials>` Client id, secret and provider id can be specified directly through the available arguments. It is also possible to leave these arguments empty and specify them through environment variables ``OPENEO_AUTH_CLIENT_ID``, ``OPENEO_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET`` and ``OPENEO_AUTH_PROVIDER_ID`` respectively as discussed in :ref:`authenticate_oidc_client_credentials_env_vars`. :param client_id: client id to use :param client_secret: client secret to use :param provider_id: provider id to use Fallback value can be set through environment variable ``OPENEO_AUTH_PROVIDER_ID``. .. versionchanged:: 0.18.0 Allow specifying client id, secret and provider id through environment variables. """ # TODO: option to get client id/secret from a config file too? if client_id is None and "OPENEO_AUTH_CLIENT_ID" in os.environ and "OPENEO_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET" in os.environ: client_id = os.environ.get("OPENEO_AUTH_CLIENT_ID") client_secret = os.environ.get("OPENEO_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET") _log.debug(f"Getting client id ({client_id}) and secret from environment") provider_id, client_info = self._get_oidc_provider_and_client_info( provider_id=provider_id, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret ) authenticator = OidcClientCredentialsAuthenticator(client_info=client_info) return self._authenticate_oidc( authenticator, provider_id=provider_id, store_refresh_token=False, oidc_auth_renewer=authenticator )
[docs] def authenticate_oidc_resource_owner_password_credentials( self, username: str, password: str, client_id: Optional[str] = None, client_secret: Optional[str] = None, provider_id: Optional[str] = None, store_refresh_token: bool = False, ) -> Connection: """ OpenId Connect Resource Owner Password Credentials """ provider_id, client_info = self._get_oidc_provider_and_client_info( provider_id=provider_id, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret ) # TODO: also get username and password from config? authenticator = OidcResourceOwnerPasswordAuthenticator( client_info=client_info, username=username, password=password ) return self._authenticate_oidc(authenticator, provider_id=provider_id, store_refresh_token=store_refresh_token)
[docs] def authenticate_oidc_refresh_token( self, client_id: Optional[str] = None, refresh_token: Optional[str] = None, client_secret: Optional[str] = None, provider_id: Optional[str] = None, *, store_refresh_token: bool = False, ) -> Connection: """ Authenticate with :ref:`OIDC Refresh Token flow <authenticate_oidc_client_credentials>` :param client_id: client id to use :param refresh_token: refresh token to use :param client_secret: client secret to use :param provider_id: provider id to use. Fallback value can be set through environment variable ``OPENEO_AUTH_PROVIDER_ID``. :param store_refresh_token: whether to store the received refresh token automatically .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0 Support fallback provider id through environment variable ``OPENEO_AUTH_PROVIDER_ID``. """ provider_id, client_info = self._get_oidc_provider_and_client_info( provider_id=provider_id, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, default_client_grant_check=[DefaultOidcClientGrant.REFRESH_TOKEN], ) if refresh_token is None: refresh_token = self._get_refresh_token_store().get_refresh_token( issuer=client_info.provider.issuer, client_id=client_info.client_id ) if refresh_token is None: raise OpenEoClientException("No refresh token given or found") authenticator = OidcRefreshTokenAuthenticator(client_info=client_info, refresh_token=refresh_token) return self._authenticate_oidc( authenticator, provider_id=provider_id, store_refresh_token=store_refresh_token, fallback_refresh_token_to_store=refresh_token, oidc_auth_renewer=authenticator, )
[docs] def authenticate_oidc_device( self, client_id: Optional[str] = None, client_secret: Optional[str] = None, provider_id: Optional[str] = None, *, store_refresh_token: bool = False, use_pkce: Optional[bool] = None, max_poll_time: float = OidcDeviceAuthenticator.DEFAULT_MAX_POLL_TIME, **kwargs, ) -> Connection: """ Authenticate with the :ref:`OIDC Device Code flow <authenticate_oidc_device>` :param client_id: client id to use instead of the default one :param client_secret: client secret to use instead of the default one :param provider_id: provider id to use. Fallback value can be set through environment variable ``OPENEO_AUTH_PROVIDER_ID``. :param store_refresh_token: whether to store the received refresh token automatically :param use_pkce: Use PKCE instead of client secret. If not set explicitly to `True` (use PKCE) or `False` (use client secret), it will be attempted to detect the best mode automatically. Note that PKCE for device code is not widely supported among OIDC providers. :param max_poll_time: maximum time in seconds to keep polling for successful authentication. .. versionchanged:: 0.5.1 Add :py:obj:`use_pkce` argument .. versionchanged:: 0.17.0 Add :py:obj:`max_poll_time` argument .. versionchanged:: 0.19.0 Support fallback provider id through environment variable ``OPENEO_AUTH_PROVIDER_ID``. """ _g = DefaultOidcClientGrant # alias for compactness provider_id, client_info = self._get_oidc_provider_and_client_info( provider_id=provider_id, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, default_client_grant_check=(lambda grants: _g.DEVICE_CODE in grants or _g.DEVICE_CODE_PKCE in grants), ) authenticator = OidcDeviceAuthenticator( client_info=client_info, use_pkce=use_pkce, max_poll_time=max_poll_time, **kwargs ) return self._authenticate_oidc(authenticator, provider_id=provider_id, store_refresh_token=store_refresh_token)
[docs] def authenticate_oidc( self, provider_id: Optional[str] = None, client_id: Optional[str] = None, client_secret: Optional[str] = None, *, store_refresh_token: bool = True, use_pkce: Optional[bool] = None, display: Callable[[str], None] = print, max_poll_time: float = OidcDeviceAuthenticator.DEFAULT_MAX_POLL_TIME, ): """ Generic method to do OpenID Connect authentication. In the context of interactive usage, this method first tries to use refresh tokens and falls back on device code flow. For non-interactive, machine-to-machine contexts, it is also possible to trigger the usage of the "client_credentials" flow through environment variables. Assuming you have set up a OIDC client (with a secret): set ``OPENEO_AUTH_METHOD`` to ``client_credentials``, set ``OPENEO_AUTH_CLIENT_ID`` to the client id, and set ``OPENEO_AUTH_CLIENT_SECRET`` to the client secret. See :ref:`authenticate_oidc_automatic` for more details. :param provider_id: provider id to use :param client_id: client id to use :param client_secret: client secret to use :param max_poll_time: maximum time in seconds to keep polling for successful authentication. .. versionadded:: 0.6.0 .. versionchanged:: 0.17.0 Add :py:obj:`max_poll_time` argument .. versionchanged:: 0.18.0 Add support for client credentials flow. """ # TODO: unify `os.environ.get` with `get_config_option`? # TODO also support OPENEO_AUTH_CLIENT_ID, ... env vars for refresh token and device code auth? auth_method = os.environ.get("OPENEO_AUTH_METHOD") if auth_method == "client_credentials": _log.debug("authenticate_oidc: going for 'client_credentials' authentication") return self.authenticate_oidc_client_credentials( client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, provider_id=provider_id ) elif auth_method: raise ValueError(f"Unhandled auth method {auth_method}") _g = DefaultOidcClientGrant # alias for compactness provider_id, client_info = self._get_oidc_provider_and_client_info( provider_id=provider_id, client_id=client_id, client_secret=client_secret, default_client_grant_check=lambda grants: ( _g.REFRESH_TOKEN in grants and (_g.DEVICE_CODE in grants or _g.DEVICE_CODE_PKCE in grants) ) ) # Try refresh token first. refresh_token = self._get_refresh_token_store().get_refresh_token( issuer=client_info.provider.issuer, client_id=client_info.client_id ) if refresh_token: try:"Found refresh token: trying refresh token based authentication.") authenticator = OidcRefreshTokenAuthenticator(client_info=client_info, refresh_token=refresh_token) con = self._authenticate_oidc( authenticator, provider_id=provider_id, store_refresh_token=store_refresh_token, fallback_refresh_token_to_store=refresh_token, ) # TODO: pluggable/jupyter-aware display function? print("Authenticated using refresh token.") return con except OidcException as e:"Refresh token based authentication failed: {e}.".format(e=e)) # Fall back on device code flow # TODO: make it possible to do other fallback flows too?"Trying device code flow.") authenticator = OidcDeviceAuthenticator( client_info=client_info, use_pkce=use_pkce, display=display, max_poll_time=max_poll_time ) con = self._authenticate_oidc( authenticator, provider_id=provider_id, store_refresh_token=store_refresh_token, ) print("Authenticated using device code flow.") return con
[docs] def authenticate_oidc_access_token(self, access_token: str, provider_id: Optional[str] = None) -> Connection: """ Set up authorization headers directly with an OIDC access token. :py:class:`Connection` provides multiple methods to handle various OIDC authentication flows end-to-end. If you already obtained a valid OIDC access token in another "out-of-band" way, you can use this method to set up the authorization headers appropriately. :param access_token: OIDC access token :param provider_id: id of the OIDC provider as listed by the openEO backend (``/credentials/oidc``). If not specified, the first (default) OIDC provider will be used. :param skip_verification: Skip clients-side verification of the provider_id against the backend's list of providers to avoid and related OIDC configuration .. versionadded:: 0.31.0 .. versionchanged:: 0.33.0 Return connection object to support chaining. """ provider_id, _ = self._get_oidc_provider(provider_id=provider_id, parse_info=False) self.auth = OidcBearerAuth(provider_id=provider_id, access_token=access_token) self._oidc_auth_renewer = None return self
[docs] def request( self, method: str, path: str, headers: Optional[dict] = None, auth: Optional[AuthBase] = None, check_error: bool = True, expected_status: Optional[Union[int, Iterable[int]]] = None, **kwargs, ): # Do request, but with retry when access token has expired and refresh token is available. def _request(): return super(Connection, self).request( method=method, path=path, headers=headers, auth=auth, check_error=check_error, expected_status=expected_status, **kwargs, ) try: # Initial request attempt return _request() except OpenEoApiError as api_exc: if api_exc.http_status_code in {401, 403} and api_exc.code == "TokenInvalid": # Auth token expired: can we refresh? if isinstance(self.auth, OidcBearerAuth) and self._oidc_auth_renewer: msg = f"OIDC access token expired ({api_exc.http_status_code} {api_exc.code})." try: self._authenticate_oidc( authenticator=self._oidc_auth_renewer,, store_refresh_token=False, oidc_auth_renewer=self._oidc_auth_renewer, )"{msg} Obtained new access token (grant {self._oidc_auth_renewer.grant_type!r}).") except OpenEoClientException as auth_exc: _log.error( f"{msg} Failed to obtain new access token (grant {self._oidc_auth_renewer.grant_type!r}): {auth_exc!r}." ) else: # Retry request. return _request() raise
[docs] def describe_account(self) -> dict: """ Describes the currently authenticated user account. """ return self.get('/me', expected_status=200).json()
[docs] @deprecated("use :py:meth:`list_jobs` instead", version="0.4.10") def user_jobs(self) -> List[dict]: return self.list_jobs()
[docs] def list_collections(self) -> List[dict]: """ List basic metadata of all collections provided by the back-end. .. caution:: Only the basic collection metadata will be returned. To obtain full metadata of a particular collection, it is recommended to use :py:meth:`` instead. :return: list of dictionaries with basic collection metadata. """ # TODO: add caching #383 data = self.get('/collections', expected_status=200).json()["collections"] return VisualList("collections", data=data)
[docs] def list_collection_ids(self) -> List[str]: """ List all collection ids provided by the back-end. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`` to get the metadata of a particular collection. :return: list of collection ids """ return [collection['id'] for collection in self.list_collections() if 'id' in collection]
[docs] def capabilities(self) -> RESTCapabilities: """ Loads all available capabilities. """ return self._capabilities_cache.get( "capabilities", load=lambda: RESTCapabilities(data=self.get('/', expected_status=200).json(), url=self._orig_url) )
def list_input_formats(self) -> dict: return self.list_file_formats().get("input", {}) def list_output_formats(self) -> dict: return self.list_file_formats().get("output", {}) list_file_types = legacy_alias( list_output_formats, "list_file_types", since="0.4.6" )
[docs] def list_file_formats(self) -> dict: """ Get available input and output formats """ formats = self._capabilities_cache.get( key="file_formats", load=lambda: self.get('/file_formats', expected_status=200).json() ) return VisualDict("file-formats", data=formats)
[docs] def list_service_types(self) -> dict: """ Loads all available service types. :return: data_dict: Dict All available service types """ types = self._capabilities_cache.get( key="service_types", load=lambda: self.get('/service_types', expected_status=200).json() ) return VisualDict("service-types", data=types)
[docs] def list_udf_runtimes(self) -> dict: """ List information about the available UDF runtimes. :return: A dictionary with metadata about each available UDF runtime. """ runtimes = self._capabilities_cache.get( key="udf_runtimes", load=lambda: self.get('/udf_runtimes', expected_status=200).json() ) return VisualDict("udf-runtimes", data=runtimes)
[docs] def list_services(self) -> dict: """ Loads all available services of the authenticated user. :return: data_dict: Dict All available services """ # TODO return parsed service objects services = self.get('/services', expected_status=200).json()["services"] return VisualList("data-table", data=services, parameters={'columns': 'services'})
[docs] def describe_collection(self, collection_id: str) -> dict: """ Get full collection metadata for given collection id. .. seealso:: :py:meth:`` to list all collection ids provided by the back-end. :param collection_id: collection id :return: collection metadata. """ # TODO: duplication with `Connection.collection_metadata`: deprecate one or the other? # TODO: add caching #383 data = self.get(f"/collections/{collection_id}", expected_status=200).json() return VisualDict("collection", data=data)
[docs] def collection_items( self, name, spatial_extent: Optional[List[float]] = None, temporal_extent: Optional[List[Union[str, datetime.datetime]]] = None, limit: Optional[int] = None, ) -> Iterator[dict]: """ Loads items for a specific image collection. May not be available for all collections. This is an experimental API and is subject to change. :param name: String Id of the collection :param spatial_extent: Limits the items to the given bounding box in WGS84: 1. Lower left corner, coordinate axis 1 2. Lower left corner, coordinate axis 2 3. Upper right corner, coordinate axis 1 4. Upper right corner, coordinate axis 2 :param temporal_extent: Limits the items to the specified temporal interval. :param limit: The amount of items per request/page. If None, the back-end decides. The interval has to be specified as an array with exactly two elements (start, end). Also supports open intervals by setting one of the boundaries to None, but never both. :return: data_list: List A list of items """ url = '/collections/{}/items'.format(name) params = {} if spatial_extent: params["bbox"] = ",".join(str(c) for c in spatial_extent) if temporal_extent: params["datetime"] = "/".join(".." if t is None else rfc3339.normalize(t) for t in temporal_extent) if limit is not None and limit > 0: params['limit'] = limit return paginate(self, url, params, lambda response, page: VisualDict("items", data = response, parameters = {'show-map': True, 'heading': 'Page {} - Items'.format(page)}))
def collection_metadata(self, name) -> CollectionMetadata: # TODO: duplication with `Connection.describe_collection`: deprecate one or the other? return CollectionMetadata(metadata=self.describe_collection(name))
[docs] def list_processes(self, namespace: Optional[str] = None) -> List[dict]: # TODO: Maybe format the result dictionary so that the process_id is the key of the dictionary. """ Loads all available processes of the back end. :param namespace: The namespace for which to list processes. :return: processes_dict: Dict All available processes of the back end. """ if namespace is None: processes = self._capabilities_cache.get( key=("processes", "backend"), load=lambda: self.get('/processes', expected_status=200).json()["processes"] ) else: processes = self.get('/processes/' + namespace, expected_status=200).json()["processes"] return VisualList("processes", data=processes, parameters={'show-graph': True, 'provide-download': False})
[docs] def describe_process(self, id: str, namespace: Optional[str] = None) -> dict: """ Returns a single process from the back end. :param id: The id of the process. :param namespace: The namespace of the process. :return: The process definition. """ processes = self.list_processes(namespace) for process in processes: if process["id"] == id: return VisualDict("process", data=process, parameters={'show-graph': True, 'provide-download': False}) raise OpenEoClientException("Process does not exist.")
[docs] def list_jobs(self) -> List[dict]: """ Lists all jobs of the authenticated user. :return: job_list: Dict of all jobs of the user. """ # TODO: Parse the result so that there get Job classes returned? resp = self.get('/jobs', expected_status=200).json() if resp.get("federation:missing"): _log.warning("Partial user job listing due to missing federation components: {c}".format( c=",".join(resp["federation:missing"]) )) jobs = resp["jobs"] return VisualList("data-table", data=jobs, parameters={'columns': 'jobs'})
[docs] def assert_user_defined_process_support(self): """ Capabilities document based verification that back-end supports user-defined processes. .. versionadded:: 0.23.0 """ if not self.capabilities().supports_endpoint("/process_graphs"): raise CapabilitiesException("Backend does not support user-defined processes.")
[docs] def save_user_defined_process( self, user_defined_process_id: str, process_graph: Union[dict, ProcessBuilderBase], parameters: List[Union[dict, Parameter]] = None, public: bool = False, summary: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, returns: Optional[dict] = None, categories: Optional[List[str]] = None, examples: Optional[List[dict]] = None, links: Optional[List[dict]] = None, ) -> RESTUserDefinedProcess: """ Store a process graph and its metadata on the backend as a user-defined process for the authenticated user. :param user_defined_process_id: unique identifier for the user-defined process :param process_graph: a process graph :param parameters: a list of parameters :param public: visible to other users? :param summary: A short summary of what the process does. :param description: Detailed description to explain the entity. CommonMark 0.29 syntax MAY be used for rich text representation. :param returns: Description and schema of the return value. :param categories: A list of categories. :param examples: A list of examples. :param links: A list of links. :return: a RESTUserDefinedProcess instance """ self.assert_user_defined_process_support() if user_defined_process_id in set(p["id"] for p in self.list_processes()): warnings.warn("Defining user-defined process {u!r} with same id as a pre-defined process".format( u=user_defined_process_id)) if not parameters: warnings.warn("Defining user-defined process {u!r} without parameters".format(u=user_defined_process_id)) udp = RESTUserDefinedProcess(user_defined_process_id=user_defined_process_id, connection=self) process_graph=process_graph, parameters=parameters, public=public, summary=summary, description=description, returns=returns, categories=categories, examples=examples, links=links ) return udp
[docs] def list_user_defined_processes(self) -> List[dict]: """ Lists all user-defined processes of the authenticated user. """ self.assert_user_defined_process_support() data = self.get("/process_graphs", expected_status=200).json()["processes"] return VisualList("processes", data=data, parameters={'show-graph': True, 'provide-download': False})
[docs] def user_defined_process(self, user_defined_process_id: str) -> RESTUserDefinedProcess: """ Get the user-defined process based on its id. The process with the given id should already exist. :param user_defined_process_id: the id of the user-defined process :return: a RESTUserDefinedProcess instance """ return RESTUserDefinedProcess(user_defined_process_id=user_defined_process_id, connection=self)
[docs] def validate_process_graph(self, process_graph: Union[dict, FlatGraphableMixin, Any]) -> List[dict]: """ Validate a process graph without executing it. :param process_graph: (flat) dict representing process graph :return: list of errors (dictionaries with "code" and "message" fields) """ pg_with_metadata = self._build_request_with_process_graph(process_graph)["process"] return"/validation", json=pg_with_metadata, expected_status=200).json()["errors"]
@property def _api_version(self) -> ComparableVersion: # TODO make this a public property (it's also useful outside the Connection class) return self.capabilities().api_version_check
[docs] def vectorcube_from_paths( self, paths: List[str], format: str, options: dict = {} ) -> VectorCube: """ Loads one or more files referenced by url or path that is accessible by the backend. :param paths: The files to read. :param format: The file format to read from. It must be one of the values that the server reports as supported input file formats. :param options: The file format parameters to be used to read the files. Must correspond to the parameters that the server reports as supported parameters for the chosen format. :return: A :py:class:`VectorCube`. .. versionadded:: 0.14.0 """ # TODO #457 deprecate this in favor of `load_url` and standard support for `load_uploaded_files` graph = PGNode( "load_uploaded_files", arguments=dict(paths=paths, format=format, options=options), ) # TODO: load_uploaded_files might also return a raster data cube. Determine this based on format? return VectorCube(graph=graph, connection=self)
[docs] def datacube_from_process(self, process_id: str, namespace: Optional[str] = None, **kwargs) -> DataCube: """ Load a data cube from a (custom) process. :param process_id: The process id. :param namespace: optional: process namespace :param kwargs: The arguments of the custom process :return: A :py:class:`DataCube`, without valid metadata, as the client is not aware of this custom process. """ graph = PGNode(process_id, namespace=namespace, arguments=kwargs) return DataCube(graph=graph, connection=self)
[docs] def datacube_from_flat_graph(self, flat_graph: dict, parameters: Optional[dict] = None) -> DataCube: """ Construct a :py:class:`DataCube` from a flat dictionary representation of a process graph. .. seealso:: :ref:`datacube_from_json`, :py:meth:`` :param flat_graph: flat dictionary representation of a process graph or a process dictionary with such a flat process graph under a "process_graph" field (and optionally parameter metadata under a "parameters" field). :param parameters: Optional dictionary mapping parameter names to parameter values to use for parameters occurring in the process graph (e.g. as used in user-defined processes) :return: A :py:class:`DataCube` corresponding with the operations encoded in the process graph """ parameters = parameters or {} if "process_graph" in flat_graph: # `flat_graph` is a "process" structure # Extract defaults from declared parameters. for param in flat_graph.get("parameters") or []: if "default" in param: parameters.setdefault(param["name"], param["default"]) flat_graph = flat_graph["process_graph"] pgnode = PGNode.from_flat_graph(flat_graph=flat_graph, parameters=parameters or {}) return DataCube(graph=pgnode, connection=self)
[docs] def datacube_from_json(self, src: Union[str, Path], parameters: Optional[dict] = None) -> DataCube: """ Construct a :py:class:`DataCube` from JSON resource containing (flat) process graph representation. .. seealso:: :ref:`datacube_from_json`, :py:meth:`` :param src: raw JSON string, URL to JSON resource or path to local JSON file :param parameters: Optional dictionary mapping parameter names to parameter values to use for parameters occurring in the process graph (e.g. as used in user-defined processes) :return: A :py:class:`DataCube` corresponding with the operations encoded in the process graph """ return self.datacube_from_flat_graph(load_json_resource(src), parameters=parameters)
[docs] @openeo_process def load_collection( self, collection_id: Union[str, Parameter], spatial_extent: Union[Dict[str, float], Parameter, None] = None, temporal_extent: Union[Sequence[InputDate], Parameter, str, None] = None, bands: Union[None, List[str], Parameter] = None, properties: Union[ None, Dict[str, Union[str, PGNode, Callable]], List[CollectionProperty], CollectionProperty ] = None, max_cloud_cover: Optional[float] = None, fetch_metadata: bool = True, ) -> DataCube: """ Load a DataCube by collection id. :param collection_id: image collection identifier :param spatial_extent: limit data to specified bounding box or polygons :param temporal_extent: limit data to specified temporal interval. Typically, just a two-item list or tuple containing start and end date. See :ref:`filtering-on-temporal-extent-section` for more details on temporal extent handling and shorthand notation. :param bands: only add the specified bands. :param properties: limit data by collection metadata property predicates. See :py:func:`` for easy construction of such predicates. :param max_cloud_cover: shortcut to set maximum cloud cover ("eo:cloud_cover" collection property) :return: a datacube containing the requested data .. versionadded:: 0.13.0 added the ``max_cloud_cover`` argument. .. versionchanged:: 0.23.0 Argument ``temporal_extent``: add support for year/month shorthand notation as discussed at :ref:`date-shorthand-handling`. .. versionchanged:: 0.26.0 Add :py:func:`` support to ``properties`` argument. """ return DataCube.load_collection( collection_id=collection_id, connection=self, spatial_extent=spatial_extent, temporal_extent=temporal_extent, bands=bands, properties=properties, max_cloud_cover=max_cloud_cover, fetch_metadata=fetch_metadata, )
# TODO: remove this #100 #134 0.4.10 imagecollection = legacy_alias( load_collection, name="imagecollection", since="0.4.10" )
[docs] @openeo_process def load_result( self, id: str, spatial_extent: Optional[Dict[str, float]] = None, temporal_extent: Union[Sequence[InputDate], Parameter, str, None] = None, bands: Optional[List[str]] = None, ) -> DataCube: """ Loads batch job results by job id from the server-side user workspace. The job must have been stored by the authenticated user on the back-end currently connected to. :param id: The id of a batch job with results. :param spatial_extent: limit data to specified bounding box or polygons :param temporal_extent: limit data to specified temporal interval. Typically, just a two-item list or tuple containing start and end date. See :ref:`filtering-on-temporal-extent-section` for more details on temporal extent handling and shorthand notation. :param bands: only add the specified bands :return: a :py:class:`DataCube` .. versionchanged:: 0.23.0 Argument ``temporal_extent``: add support for year/month shorthand notation as discussed at :ref:`date-shorthand-handling`. """ # TODO: add check that back-end supports `load_result` process? cube = self.datacube_from_process( process_id="load_result", id=id, **dict_no_none( spatial_extent=spatial_extent, temporal_extent=temporal_extent and DataCube._get_temporal_extent(extent=temporal_extent), bands=bands, ), ) return cube
[docs] @openeo_process def load_stac( self, url: str, spatial_extent: Union[Dict[str, float], Parameter, None] = None, temporal_extent: Union[Sequence[InputDate], Parameter, str, None] = None, bands: Optional[List[str]] = None, properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, PGNode, Callable]]] = None, ) -> DataCube: """ Loads data from a static STAC catalog or a STAC API Collection and returns the data as a processable :py:class:`DataCube`. A batch job result can be loaded by providing a reference to it. If supported by the underlying metadata and file format, the data that is added to the data cube can be restricted with the parameters ``spatial_extent``, ``temporal_extent`` and ``bands``. If no data is available for the given extents, a ``NoDataAvailable`` error is thrown. Remarks: * The bands (and all dimensions that specify nominal dimension labels) are expected to be ordered as specified in the metadata if the ``bands`` parameter is set to ``null``. * If no additional parameter is specified this would imply that the whole data set is expected to be loaded. Due to the large size of many data sets, this is not recommended and may be optimized by back-ends to only load the data that is actually required after evaluating subsequent processes such as filters. This means that the values should be processed only after the data has been limited to the required extent and as a consequence also to a manageable size. :param url: The URL to a static STAC catalog (STAC Item, STAC Collection, or STAC Catalog) or a specific STAC API Collection that allows to filter items and to download assets. This includes batch job results, which itself are compliant to STAC. For external URLs, authentication details such as API keys or tokens may need to be included in the URL. Batch job results can be specified in two ways: - For Batch job results at the same back-end, a URL pointing to the corresponding batch job results endpoint should be provided. The URL usually ends with ``/jobs/{id}/results`` and ``{id}`` is the corresponding batch job ID. - For external results, a signed URL must be provided. Not all back-ends support signed URLs, which are provided as a link with the link relation `canonical` in the batch job result metadata. :param spatial_extent: Limits the data to load to the specified bounding box or polygons. For raster data, the process loads the pixel into the data cube if the point at the pixel center intersects with the bounding box or any of the polygons (as defined in the Simple Features standard by the OGC). For vector data, the process loads the geometry into the data cube if the geometry is fully within the bounding box or any of the polygons (as defined in the Simple Features standard by the OGC). Empty geometries may only be in the data cube if no spatial extent has been provided. The GeoJSON can be one of the following feature types: * A ``Polygon`` or ``MultiPolygon`` geometry, * a ``Feature`` with a ``Polygon`` or ``MultiPolygon`` geometry, or * a ``FeatureCollection`` containing at least one ``Feature`` with ``Polygon`` or ``MultiPolygon`` geometries. Set this parameter to ``None`` to set no limit for the spatial extent. Be careful with this when loading large datasets. It is recommended to use this parameter instead of using ``filter_bbox()`` or ``filter_spatial()`` directly after loading unbounded data. :param temporal_extent: Limits the data to load to the specified left-closed temporal interval. Applies to all temporal dimensions. The interval has to be specified as an array with exactly two elements: 1. The first element is the start of the temporal interval. The specified instance in time is **included** in the interval. 2. The second element is the end of the temporal interval. The specified instance in time is **excluded** from the interval. The second element must always be greater/later than the first element. Otherwise, a `TemporalExtentEmpty` exception is thrown. Also supports open intervals by setting one of the boundaries to ``None``, but never both. Set this parameter to ``None`` to set no limit for the temporal extent. Be careful with this when loading large datasets. It is recommended to use this parameter instead of using ``filter_temporal()`` directly after loading unbounded data. :param bands: Only adds the specified bands into the data cube so that bands that don't match the list of band names are not available. Applies to all dimensions of type `bands`. Either the unique band name (metadata field ``name`` in bands) or one of the common band names (metadata field ``common_name`` in bands) can be specified. If the unique band name and the common name conflict, the unique band name has a higher priority. The order of the specified array defines the order of the bands in the data cube. If multiple bands match a common name, all matched bands are included in the original order. It is recommended to use this parameter instead of using ``filter_bands()`` directly after loading unbounded data. :param properties: Limits the data by metadata properties to include only data in the data cube which all given conditions return ``True`` for (AND operation). Specify key-value-pairs with the key being the name of the metadata property, which can be retrieved with the openEO Data Discovery for Collections. The value must be a condition (user-defined process) to be evaluated against a STAC API. This parameter is not supported for static STAC. .. versionadded:: 0.17.0 .. versionchanged:: 0.23.0 Argument ``temporal_extent``: add support for year/month shorthand notation as discussed at :ref:`date-shorthand-handling`. """ return DataCube.load_stac( url=url, spatial_extent=spatial_extent, temporal_extent=temporal_extent, bands=bands, properties=properties, connection=self, )
[docs] def load_stac_from_job( self, job: Union[BatchJob, str], spatial_extent: Union[Dict[str, float], Parameter, None] = None, temporal_extent: Union[Sequence[InputDate], Parameter, str, None] = None, bands: Optional[List[str]] = None, properties: Optional[Dict[str, Union[str, PGNode, Callable]]] = None, ) -> DataCube: """ Convenience function to directly load the results of a finished openEO job (as a STAC collection) with :py:meth:`load_stac` in a new openEO process graph. When available, the "canonical" link (signed URL) of the job results will be used. :param job: a :py:class:`` or job id pointing to a finished job. Note that the :py:class:`` approach allows to point to a batch job on a different back-end. :param spatial_extent: limit data to specified bounding box or polygons :param temporal_extent: limit data to specified temporal interval. :param bands: limit data to the specified bands .. versionadded:: 0.30.0 """ # TODO #634 add option to require or avoid the canonical link if isinstance(job, str): job = BatchJob(job_id=job, connection=self) elif not isinstance(job, BatchJob): raise ValueError("job must be a BatchJob or job id") try: job_results = job.get_results() canonical_links = [ link["href"] for link in job_results.get_metadata().get("links", []) if link.get("rel") == "canonical" and "href" in link ] if len(canonical_links) == 0: _log.warning("No canonical link found in job results metadata. Using job results URL instead.") stac_link = job.get_results_metadata_url(full=True) else: if len(canonical_links) > 1: _log.warning( f"Multiple canonical links found in job results metadata: {canonical_links}. Picking first one." ) stac_link = canonical_links[0] except OpenEoApiError as e: _log.warning(f"Failed to get the canonical job results: {e!r}. Using job results URL instead.") stac_link = job.get_results_metadata_url(full=True) return self.load_stac( url=stac_link, spatial_extent=spatial_extent, temporal_extent=temporal_extent, bands=bands, properties=properties, )
[docs] def load_ml_model(self, id: Union[str, BatchJob]) -> MlModel: """ Loads a machine learning model from a STAC Item. :param id: STAC item reference, as URL, batch job (id) or user-uploaded file :return: .. versionadded:: 0.10.0 """ return MlModel.load_ml_model(connection=self, id=id)
[docs] @openeo_process def load_geojson( self, data: Union[dict, str, Path, shapely.geometry.base.BaseGeometry, Parameter], properties: Optional[List[str]] = None, ): """ Converts GeoJSON data as defined by RFC 7946 into a vector data cube. :param data: the geometry to load. One of: - GeoJSON-style data structure: e.g. a dictionary with ``"type": "Polygon"`` and ``"coordinates"`` fields - a path to a local GeoJSON file - a GeoJSON string - a shapely geometry object :param properties: A list of properties from the GeoJSON file to construct an additional dimension from. :return: new VectorCube instance .. warning:: EXPERIMENTAL: this process is experimental with the potential for major things to change. .. versionadded:: 0.22.0 """ return VectorCube.load_geojson(connection=self, data=data, properties=properties)
[docs] @openeo_process def load_url(self, url: str, format: str, options: Optional[dict] = None): """ Loads a file from a URL :param url: The URL to read from. Authentication details such as API keys or tokens may need to be included in the URL. :param format: The file format to use when loading the data. :param options: The file format parameters to use when reading the data. Must correspond to the parameters that the server reports as supported parameters for the chosen ``format`` :return: new VectorCube instance .. warning:: EXPERIMENTAL: this process is experimental with the potential for major things to change. .. versionadded:: 0.22.0 """ if format not in self.list_input_formats(): # TODO: make this an error? _log.warning(f"Format {format!r} not listed in back-end input formats") # TODO: Inspect format's gis_data_type to see if we need to load a VectorCube or classic raster DataCube return VectorCube.load_url(connection=self, url=url, format=format, options=options)
def create_service(self, graph: dict, type: str, **kwargs) -> Service: # TODO: type hint for graph: is it a nested or a flat one? pg_with_metadata = self._build_request_with_process_graph(process_graph=graph, type=type, **kwargs) self._preflight_validation(pg_with_metadata=pg_with_metadata) response ="/services", json=pg_with_metadata, expected_status=201) service_id = response.headers.get("OpenEO-Identifier") return Service(service_id, self)
[docs] @deprecated("Use :py:meth:`` instead.", version="0.8.0") def remove_service(self, service_id: str): """ Stop and remove a secondary web service. :param service_id: service identifier :return: """ Service(service_id, self).delete_service()
[docs] @deprecated("Use :py:meth:`` instead.", version="0.4.10") def job_results(self, job_id) -> dict: """Get batch job results metadata.""" return BatchJob(job_id=job_id, connection=self).list_results()
[docs] @deprecated("Use :py:meth:`` instead.", version="0.4.10") def job_logs(self, job_id, offset) -> list: """Get batch job logs.""" return BatchJob(job_id=job_id, connection=self).logs(offset=offset)
[docs] def list_files(self) -> List[UserFile]: """ Lists all user-uploaded files in the user workspace on the back-end. :return: List of the user-uploaded files. """ files = self.get('/files', expected_status=200).json()['files'] files = [UserFile.from_metadata(metadata=f, connection=self) for f in files] return VisualList("data-table", data=files, parameters={'columns': 'files'})
[docs] def get_file( self, path: Union[str, PurePosixPath], metadata: Optional[dict] = None ) -> UserFile: """ Gets a handle to a user-uploaded file in the user workspace on the back-end. :param path: The path on the user workspace. """ return UserFile(path=path, connection=self, metadata=metadata)
[docs] def upload_file( self, source: Union[Path, str], target: Optional[Union[str, PurePosixPath]] = None, ) -> UserFile: """ Uploads a file to the given target location in the user workspace on the back-end. If a file at the target path exists in the user workspace it will be replaced. :param source: A path to a file on the local file system to upload. :param target: The desired path (which can contain a folder structure if desired) on the user workspace. If not set: defaults to the original filename (without any folder structure) of the local file . """ source = Path(source) target = target or # TODO: support other non-path sources too: bytes, open file, url, ... with"rb") as f: resp = self.put(f"/files/{target!s}", expected_status=200, data=f) metadata = resp.json() return UserFile.from_metadata(metadata=metadata, connection=self)
def _build_request_with_process_graph(self, process_graph: Union[dict, FlatGraphableMixin, Any], **kwargs) -> dict: """ Prepare a json payload with a process graph to submit to /result, /services, /jobs, ... :param process_graph: flat dict representing a "process graph with metadata" ({"process": {"process_graph": ...}, ...}) """ # TODO: make this a more general helper (like `as_flat_graph`) result = kwargs process_graph = as_flat_graph(process_graph) if "process_graph" not in process_graph: process_graph = {"process_graph": process_graph} # TODO: also check if `process_graph` already has "process" key (i.e. is a "process graph with metadata" already) result["process"] = process_graph return result def _preflight_validation(self, pg_with_metadata: dict, *, validate: Optional[bool] = None): """ Preflight validation of process graph to execute. :param pg_with_metadata: flat dict representation of process graph with metadata, e.g. as produced by `_build_request_with_process_graph` :param validate: Optional toggle to enable/prevent validation of the process graphs before execution (overruling the connection's ``auto_validate`` setting). :return: """ if validate is None: validate = self._auto_validate if validate and self.capabilities().supports_endpoint("/validation", "POST"): # At present, the intention is that a failed validation does not block # the job from running, it is only reported as a warning. # Therefor we also want to continue when something *else* goes wrong # *during* the validation. try: resp ="/validation", json=pg_with_metadata["process"], expected_status=200) validation_errors = resp.json()["errors"] if validation_errors: _log.warning( "Preflight process graph validation raised: " + (" ".join(f"[{e.get('code')}] {e.get('message')}" for e in validation_errors)) ) except Exception as e: _log.error(f"Preflight process graph validation failed: {e}") # TODO: additional validation and sanity checks: e.g. is there a result node, are all process_ids valid, ...? # TODO: unify `download` and `execute` better: e.g. `download` always writes to disk, `execute` returns result (raw or as JSON decoded dict)
[docs] def download( self, graph: Union[dict, FlatGraphableMixin, str, Path], outputfile: Union[Path, str, None] = None, *, timeout: Optional[int] = None, validate: Optional[bool] = None, chunk_size: int = DEFAULT_DOWNLOAD_CHUNK_SIZE, ) -> Union[None, bytes]: """ Downloads the result of a process graph synchronously, and save the result to the given file or return bytes object if no outputfile is specified. This method is useful to export binary content such as images. For json content, the execute method is recommended. :param graph: (flat) dict representing a process graph, or process graph as raw JSON string, or as local file path or URL :param outputfile: output file :param timeout: timeout to wait for response :param validate: Optional toggle to enable/prevent validation of the process graphs before execution (overruling the connection's ``auto_validate`` setting). :param chunk_size: chunk size for streaming response. """ pg_with_metadata = self._build_request_with_process_graph(process_graph=graph) self._preflight_validation(pg_with_metadata=pg_with_metadata, validate=validate) response = path="/result", json=pg_with_metadata, expected_status=200, stream=True, timeout=timeout or DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SYNCHRONOUS_EXECUTE, ) if outputfile is not None: with Path(outputfile).open(mode="wb") as f: for chunk in response.iter_content(chunk_size=chunk_size): f.write(chunk) else: return response.content
[docs] def execute( self, process_graph: Union[dict, str, Path], *, timeout: Optional[int] = None, validate: Optional[bool] = None, auto_decode: bool = True, ) -> Union[dict, requests.Response]: """ Execute a process graph synchronously and return the result. If the result is a JSON object, it will be parsed. :param process_graph: (flat) dict representing a process graph, or process graph as raw JSON string, or as local file path or URL :param validate: Optional toggle to enable/prevent validation of the process graphs before execution (overruling the connection's ``auto_validate`` setting). :param auto_decode: Boolean flag to enable/disable automatic JSON decoding of the response. Defaults to True. :return: parsed JSON response as a dict if auto_decode is True, otherwise response object """ pg_with_metadata = self._build_request_with_process_graph(process_graph=process_graph) self._preflight_validation(pg_with_metadata=pg_with_metadata, validate=validate) response = path="/result", json=pg_with_metadata, expected_status=200, timeout=timeout or DEFAULT_TIMEOUT_SYNCHRONOUS_EXECUTE, ) if auto_decode: try: return response.json() except requests.exceptions.JSONDecodeError as e: raise OpenEoClientException( "Failed to decode response as JSON. For other data types use `download` method instead of `execute`." ) from e else: return response
[docs] def create_job( self, process_graph: Union[dict, str, Path, FlatGraphableMixin], *, title: Optional[str] = None, description: Optional[str] = None, plan: Optional[str] = None, budget: Optional[float] = None, additional: Optional[dict] = None, validate: Optional[bool] = None, ) -> BatchJob: """ Create a new job from given process graph on the back-end. :param process_graph: (flat) dict representing a process graph, or process graph as raw JSON string, or as local file path or URL :param title: job title :param description: job description :param plan: The billing plan to process and charge the job with :param budget: Maximum budget to be spent on executing the job. Note that some backends do not honor this limit. :param additional: additional job options to pass to the backend :param validate: Optional toggle to enable/prevent validation of the process graphs before execution (overruling the connection's ``auto_validate`` setting). :return: Created job """ # TODO move all this (BatchJob factory) logic to BatchJob? pg_with_metadata = self._build_request_with_process_graph( process_graph=process_graph, **dict_no_none(title=title, description=description, plan=plan, budget=budget) ) if additional: # TODO: get rid of this non-standard field? pg_with_metadata["job_options"] = additional self._preflight_validation(pg_with_metadata=pg_with_metadata, validate=validate) response ="/jobs", json=pg_with_metadata, expected_status=201) job_id = None if "openeo-identifier" in response.headers: job_id = response.headers['openeo-identifier'].strip() elif "location" in response.headers: _log.warning("Backend did not explicitly respond with job id, will guess it from redirect URL.") job_id = response.headers['location'].split("/")[-1] if not job_id: raise OpenEoClientException("Job creation response did not contain a valid job id") return BatchJob(job_id=job_id, connection=self)
[docs] def job(self, job_id: str) -> BatchJob: """ Get the job based on the id. The job with the given id should already exist. Use :py:meth:`` to create new jobs :param job_id: the job id of an existing job :return: A job object. """ return BatchJob(job_id=job_id, connection=self)
[docs] def service(self, service_id: str) -> Service: """ Get the secondary web service based on the id. The service with the given id should already exist. Use :py:meth:`` to create new services :param job_id: the service id of an existing secondary web service :return: A service object. """ return Service(service_id, connection=self)
[docs] @deprecated( reason="Depends on non-standard process, replace with :py:meth:`` where possible.", version="0.25.0") def load_disk_collection( self, format: str, glob_pattern: str, options: Optional[dict] = None ) -> DataCube: """ Loads image data from disk as a :py:class:`DataCube`. This is backed by a non-standard process ('load_disk_data'). This will eventually be replaced by standard options such as :py:meth:`` or :param format: the file format, e.g. 'GTiff' :param glob_pattern: a glob pattern that matches the files to load from disk :param options: options specific to the file format """ return DataCube.load_disk_collection( self, format, glob_pattern, **(options or {}) )
[docs] def as_curl( self, data: Union[dict, DataCube, FlatGraphableMixin], path="/result", method="POST", obfuscate_auth: bool = False, ) -> str: """ Build curl command to evaluate given process graph or data cube (including authorization and content-type headers). >>> print(connection.as_curl(cube)) curl -i -X POST -H 'Content-Type: application/json' -H 'Authorization: Bearer ...' \\ --data '{"process":{"process_graph":{...}}' \\ https://openeo.example/openeo/1.1/result :param data: something that is convertable to an openEO process graph: a dictionary, a :py:class:`` object, a :py:class:`~openeo.processes.ProcessBuilder`, ... :param path: endpoint to send request to: typically ``"/result"`` (default) for synchronous requests or ``"/jobs"`` for batch jobs :param method: HTTP method to use (typically ``"POST"``) :param obfuscate_auth: don't show actual bearer token :return: curl command as a string """ cmd = ["curl", "-i", "-X", method] cmd += ["-H", "Content-Type: application/json"] if isinstance(self.auth, BearerAuth): cmd += ["-H", f"Authorization: Bearer {'...' if obfuscate_auth else self.auth.bearer}"] pg_with_metadata = self._build_request_with_process_graph(data) if path == "/validation": pg_with_metadata = pg_with_metadata["process"] post_json = json.dumps(pg_with_metadata, separators=(",", ":")) cmd += ["--data", post_json] cmd += [self.build_url(path)] return " ".join(shlex.quote(c) for c in cmd)
[docs] def version_info(self): """List version of the openEO client, API, back-end, etc.""" capabilities = self.capabilities() return { "client": openeo.client_version(), "api": capabilities.api_version(), "backend": dict_no_none({ "root_url": self.root_url, "version": capabilities.get("backend_version"), "processing:software": capabilities.get("processing:software"), }), }
[docs] def connect( url: Optional[str] = None, *, auth_type: Optional[str] = None, auth_options: Optional[dict] = None, session: Optional[requests.Session] = None, default_timeout: Optional[int] = None, auto_validate: bool = True, ) -> Connection: """ This method is the entry point to OpenEO. You typically create one connection object in your script or application and re-use it for all calls to that backend. If the backend requires authentication, you can pass authentication data directly to this function, but it could be easier to authenticate as follows: >>> # For basic authentication >>> conn = connect(url).authenticate_basic(username="john", password="foo") >>> # For OpenID Connect authentication >>> conn = connect(url).authenticate_oidc(client_id="myclient") :param url: The http url of the OpenEO back-end. :param auth_type: Which authentication to use: None, "basic" or "oidc" (for OpenID Connect) :param auth_options: Options/arguments specific to the authentication type :param default_timeout: default timeout (in seconds) for requests :param auto_validate: toggle to automatically validate process graphs before execution .. versionadded:: 0.24.0 added ``auto_validate`` argument """ def _config_log(message): config_log(message) if url is None: default_backend = get_config_option("connection.default_backend") if default_backend: url = default_backend _config_log(f"Using default back-end URL {url!r} (from config)") default_backend_auto_auth = get_config_option("connection.default_backend.auto_authenticate") if default_backend_auto_auth and default_backend_auto_auth.lower() in {"basic", "oidc"}: auth_type = default_backend_auto_auth.lower() _config_log(f"Doing auto-authentication {auth_type!r} (from config)") if auth_type is None: auto_authenticate = get_config_option("connection.auto_authenticate") if auto_authenticate and auto_authenticate.lower() in {"basic", "oidc"}: auth_type = auto_authenticate.lower() _config_log(f"Doing auto-authentication {auth_type!r} (from config)") if not url: raise OpenEoClientException("No openEO back-end URL given or known to connect to.") connection = Connection(url, session=session, default_timeout=default_timeout, auto_validate=auto_validate) auth_type = auth_type.lower() if isinstance(auth_type, str) else auth_type if auth_type in {None, False, 'null', 'none'}: pass elif auth_type == "basic": connection.authenticate_basic(**(auth_options or {})) elif auth_type in {"oidc", "openid"}: connection.authenticate_oidc(**(auth_options or {})) else: raise ValueError("Unknown auth type {a!r}".format(a=auth_type)) return connection
@deprecated("Use :py:func:`openeo.connect` instead", version="0.0.9") def session(userid=None, endpoint: str = "") -> Connection: """ This method is the entry point to OpenEO. You typically create one session object in your script or application, per back-end. and re-use it for all calls to that backend. If the backend requires authentication, you should set pass your credentials. :param endpoint: The http url of an OpenEO endpoint. :rtype: openeo.sessions.Session """ return connect(url=endpoint) def paginate(con: Connection, url: str, params: Optional[dict] = None, callback: Callable = lambda resp, page: resp): # TODO: make this a method `get_paginated` on `RestApiConnection`? # TODO: is it necessary to have `callback`? It's only used just before yielding, # so it's probably cleaner (even for the caller) to to move it outside. page = 1 while True: response = con.get(url, params=params).json() yield callback(response, page) next_links = [link for link in response.get("links", []) if link.get("rel") == "next" and "href" in link] if not next_links: break url = next_links[0]["href"] page += 1 params = {}