The function modifies a stores a job with a given parameter. The dot parameter contains all the values that will be replaced or removed. The return shows a message of result or failure.
title = NULL,
description = NULL,
process = NULL,
plan = NULL,
budget = NULL,
additional = NULL,
con = NULL,
the job id of a created job
update title for the job
update description
A Graph()
, a function returning a ProcessNode()
as an endpoint, the ProcessNode()
will return the results or a self defined Process()
replaces plan with the set value
replaces or sets the credits that can be spent at maximum
Additional, non-standardized job settings to send to the back-end
connected and authenticated openEO client (optional) otherwise active_connection()
is used.
additional parameters passed to jsonlite::toJSON() (like 'digits')
The '...' operator shall contain all the values that are to be replaced in the job. There are some reserved keys. The 'process_graph' option will replace the process graph with a newly defined one, therefore the process graph needs to be a Graph object. The 'format' option will change the desired output format. All other parameter will be assumed to be special output parameter. Remember, you don't need to specify a process graph or graph_id, e.g. if you just want to update the output format. To leave parameter unchanged, then don't mention it. If you want to delete some, then set them to NA.