This class represents an openEO process graph - which is generally denoted as field process_graph in the exchange objects of the API. The graph consists of ProcessNode()s and optional ProcessGraphParameter() (former variables). The explicit creation of a Graph is usually not required and discouraged, because this will be handled automatically.


Object of R6::R6Class() with methods for building an openEO process graph


In terms of the openEO API the process graph is the technical description of a process. To create a user-defined process it requires a process graph and additional meta data. The process graph is not accepted at any openEO endpoint directly. Therefore, it has to be wrapped in a Process() object. Use as.Process() in those cases. It is similarly handled in other functions of this package.



a named list of collection ids or process graph parameters depending on the context



The object creator created from processes and available data.


a function to return a list of created ProcessNode()s for this graph


creates a list representation of the graph by recursively calling $serialize


runs through the nodes and checks the validity of its argument values


searches and returns a node from within the graph referenced by its node id


adds a ProcessNode() to the graph


removes a process node from the graph


gets the result process node of a process graph


sets the result process node by node id or a ProcessNode


creates a named list of the defined variables of a process graph


sets the ProcessGraphParameter() ( former variables) of graph



optional, the final node (end node) that was used to create a graph


the id of a process node


process node or its node id


the name of a parameter in a process


the value to be set for a parameter of a particular process

id or variable_id

the variable id


a description field for a variable


the type of variable, default 'string'


optional default value to be set for a variable