This class defines parameters of Process. They store information about the type, format and pattern. A parameter class is designed to not carry any value, as opposed to an Argument.
Object of R6::R6Class()
which represents a parameter.
The parameters are parsed from the specific description and format of the JSON objects returned for the parameters in processes. Find a list of openEO-specific formats here: RFC7946
$new(name, description, required=FALSE)
returns the name of a parameter as string
sets the name of a parameter
returns the description of a parameter
sets the description of a parameter
returns a string with the pattern of a parameter description
sets the pattern (string) for a parameter
returns the parameter's default value
sets the default value of a parameter
returns TRUE if the given schema - a list of the parsed openEO API schema object - matches the parameter's schema, which is used for finding the corresponding parameter
returns the schema definition
returns a list representation of this parameter for being sent in a JSON to the openEO service
returns TRUE if the parameter is allowed to be nullable, FALSE otherwise
returns whether a parameter is mandatory or not
returns TRUE if this parameter describes a choice of parameters
character - The name of a parameter
character - The description of a parameter
logical - whether it is required or not
the regexp as a string indicating how to formulate the value
the regexp as a string indicating how to formulate the value
the parsed schema object of a process parameter as a list