Prints contents of the log file of a Job or Service to the console. Requests the log every second if the service is enabled or the batch job is active. If the log response always empty for a given timeout, the logging stops. Also if the job or service is not active at the moment timeout is ignored and the log is just printed once. To call the different logs log_job() or log_service() are used internally.

logs(obj = NULL, job_id = NULL, service_id = NULL, con = NULL, timeout = NULL)



Service or Job object


character the jobs ID


character - the services ID


a connected openEO client (optional) otherwise active_connection() is used.


integer the timeout for the logging of active jobs or services after no update in seconds, if omitted it is determined internally (running / queued / enabled -> 60s)


In Jupyter, RMarkdown and knitr HTML environments the timeout parameter does not apply and this function only returns the logs that are available at the time of the request. To refresh the logs, you have to re-execute the function again.

See also