An R6Class that interacts with an openEO compliant back-end.
The user_id obtained after authentication
The mapping of the API endpoints and the back-end published ones
the constructor with an optional host URL to connect to
returns the URL for the requested endpoint tag
$request(tag,parameters=NULL,authorized=FALSE, ...)
performs the desired HTTP request by endpoint tag with path parameters and whether or not authorization (access_token) is necessary
whether or not the client has a host set
returns a logical describing whether the user is logged in
returns the host URL
throws an error if called and the client is not connected
connects to a specific version of a back-end
disconnects from the back-end by logout and clearing of active back-end package variables
returns the openEO API version this client is compliant to
$login(user=NULL, password=NULL,provider=NULL,config=NULL)
creates an IAuth()
invalidates the access_token and terminates the current session
returns the authentication client
sets the authentication client if it was configured and set externally
service exploration to retrieve the supported openEO endpoints
returns the ID of the Connection as stated in the getCapabilities document
returns the title of the connection as stated in the getCapabilities document
the openEO host URL
the endpoint tag the client uses for the endpoints
endpoint tag
named list of values to be replaced in the endpoint
whether or not the endpoint requires authentication via access_token
url of an openEO back-end either directly versioned or with the separate version statement
the openEO API version to be used, or a list of available API versions if set to NULL
the user name
the user password
an authentication object