
Documentation for OpenEOClient.


Processing data on a openEO server requires authentication.

using OpenEOClient
c = connect("", "v1.0", username, password)
step1 = c.load_collection(
    "COPERNICUS/S2", BoundingBox(west=16.06, south=48.06, east=16.65, north=48.35),
    ["2020-01-01", "2020-01-31"], ["B10"]
step2 = c.reduce_dimension(step1, ProcessGraph("median"), "t", nothing)
step3 = c.save_result(step2, "GTIFF-ZIP", Dict())
path = c.compute_result(step3)

Connect to Copernicus Dataspace using OIDC

The Copernicus Data Space Ecosystem provides free instant access to sentinel mission data using openEO. After registration, we can establish an connection using OID. The log-in process is performed at a given URL that must be visited in a browser. This can happen at any device and does not need to be at the server running the code:

c = connect("", "1.2", OpenEOClient.oidc_auth)
┌ Info: Please log in using any device at:
└ Waiting until log in succeeded...
openEO ConnectionInstance
authorized openEO connection to
8 collections
132 processes

Explore available collections:

8-element Vector{OpenEOClient.Collection}:
 SENTINEL_5P_L2: Sentinel 5 Precursor
 SENTINEL2_L1C: Sentinel-2 L1C
 SENTINEL2_L2A: Sentinel-2 L2A
 SENTINEL1_GRD: Sentinel-1 SAR GRD: C-band Synthetic Aperture Radar Ground Range Detected.
 COPERNICUS_30: Copernicus Global 30 meter Digital Elevation Model dataset.
 LANDSAT8_L2: Landsat 8 level 2 ARD, European Coverage

Explore available processes:

Dict{Symbol, OpenEOClient.Process} with 132 entries:
  :sinh                  => Process("sinh", "Hyperbolic sine", "Computes the hyperbolic sine of `x`.\n\nWorks on radians only.\nThe …
  :eq                    => Process("eq", "Equal to comparison", "Compares whether `x` is strictly equal to `y`.\n\n**Remarks:**\n\n…
  :sgn                   => Process("sgn", "Signum", "The signum (also known as *sign*) of `x` is defined as:\n\n* *1* if *x > 0*\n*…
  :apply_kernel          => Process("apply_kernel", "Apply a spatial convolution with a kernel", "Applies a 2D convolution (i.e. a f…
  :filter_labels         => Process("filter_labels", "Filter dimension labels based on a condition", "Filters the dimension labels i…
  :rename_dimension      => Process("rename_dimension", "Rename a dimension", "Renames a dimension in the data cube while preserving…
  :load_ml_model         => Process("load_ml_model", "Load a ML model", "Loads a machine learning model from a STAC Item.\n\nSuch a …
  :drop_dimension        => Process("drop_dimension", "Remove a dimension", "Drops a dimension from the data cube.\n\nDropping a dim…
  :is_valid              => Process("is_valid", "Value is valid data", "Checks whether the specified value `x` is valid. The followi…
  :mod                   => Process("mod", "Modulo", "Remainder after a division of `x` by `y` for both integers and floating-point …
  :apply_neighborhood    => Process("apply_neighborhood", "Apply a process to pixels in a n-dimensional neighborhood", "Applies a fo…
  :save_result           => Process("save_result", "Save processed data", "Makes the processed data available in the given file form…
  :filter_spatial        => Process("filter_spatial", "Spatial filter raster data cubes using geometries", "Limits the raster data c…
  :run_udf               => Process("run_udf", "Run a UDF", "Runs a UDF in one of the supported runtime environments.\n\nThe process…
  :mask_scl_dilation     => Process("mask_scl_dilation", "Mask clouds by dilating Sen2Cor sceneclassification", "Mask clouds by dila…
  :date_between          => Process("date_between", "Between comparison for dates and times", "By default, this process checks wheth…
  :count                 => Process("count", "Count the number of elements", "Gives the number of elements in an array that matches …
  :arctan2               => Process("arctan2", "Inverse tangent of two numbers", "Computes the arc tangent of two numbers `x` and `y…
  :exp                   => Process("exp", "Exponentiation to the base e", "Exponential function to the base *e* raised to the power…
  :tanh                  => Process("tanh", "Hyperbolic tangent", "Computes the hyperbolic tangent of `x`. The tangent is defined to…
  :floor                 => Process("floor", "Round fractions down", "The greatest integer less than or equal to the number `x`.\n\n…
  :apply_dimension       => Process("apply_dimension", "Apply a process to all values along a dimension", "Applies a process to all …
  :normalized_difference => Process("normalized_difference", "Normalized difference", "Computes the normalized difference for two ba…
  :all                   => Process("all", "Are all of the values true?", "Checks if **all** of the values in `data` are true. If no…
  :log                   => Process("log", "Logarithm to a base", "Logarithm to the base `base` of the number `x` is defined to be t…
  :between               => Process("between", "Between comparison", "By default, this process checks whether `x` is greater than or…
  :mean                  => Process("mean", "Arithmetic mean (average)", "The arithmetic mean of an array of numbers is the quantity…
  ⋮                      => ⋮



openEO n-dimensional array of ratser data represented by the process graph with root node call to create it. This process graph can be grown iterativeley by applying functions and operators to DataCube instances.
